anyone still using waves tune?


Aug 2, 2011
i am looking for a good pitch correction plugin.
i use reaper but the rea tune is not very usable for me, it draws the pitch curve quite strange. i really like the gui of waves tune, though for some reason when i tried it once i got black GUI while playing.

any other good alternative? i prefer a cheap one
one of my truly indispensable plugins

I love it and use if more often than I wish i had to. Can be a bit finicky with more raspy oriented vocals that still have some melody in them but more in terms of properly capturing them. The processing it does is great once you have the part captured though
Waves Tune is my favorite of all the pitch programs, because it's super user friendly and intuitive IMO. That being said, it doesn't do quite as good a job as Melodyne does on some things, but it's a great product and does what it says.
Melodyne does tend to work better on instruments usually but then again, as you pointed out, Tune is a "vocal pitch correction plugin" and it does that job great and transparently once you know how to use it. The learning curve is pretty small to get started and the interface really is very user friendly
What is your process for using it? Do you apply it as the first plugin in the chain and then print? I will just do small chunks and print. I've found this to work best for me. Just wondered what most of you are doing. Ever using it on groups?
I tune before I do any form of editing / timing corrections ... less likely to have artifacts

usually I'll create a new audio track under the one I'll be tuning, name it "Tuned" or something like that. Then place it as the 1st and only insert on the track to be tuned. I also like to just do small parts / single phrases at a time. Tune 'em up and then bounce to the new track ... slide it up, on to the next phrase. This way if I have to stop for whatever reason I can always know where I left off since the last thing tuned on the finalized track will be a region named "Tuned XXX"
i use it on the insert of my channel, before any effect, and just after it put reverb and stuff. the thing is that it not working super great with reaper, has rewire problems and stuff.
i use it on the insert of my channel, before any effect, and just after it put reverb and stuff. the thing is that it not working super great with reaper, has rewire problems and stuff.


I use it all the time in Reaper, with no issues whatsoever...
I recently rediscovered Waves Tune (mostly out of desperation) while trying to correct a vocal track that Autotune was having trouble with. Worked great! I still don't like the workflow much but I'm glad I've got it on hand.
well i tried it with V9 i think that we had in the studio, i just installed reaper there for some projects. but if you say its working i might consider getting it for home use, i just rather find something lighter, cheaper alternative.
well i tried it with V9 i think that we had in the studio, i just installed reaper there for some projects. but if you say its working i might consider getting it for home use, i just rather find something lighter, cheaper alternative.

If you wait for another Waves sale, it'll likely be down to $100.

Not really anything out there that can compete with Tune at that price.
Yeah, I was about to say that I thought WT was the cheap option until I saw the regular price. I think I paid $75 for it.

75$ is a fair price, i really hope that it will be on sale on audio-midi no braainer stuff or something. i grabbed some good stuff from there for 20$
i used it live, since i didnt manage to find a way of processing effect on a track in reaper without just bouncing it.

Right clic on the take, "Apply FX as new take" or something like that. It prints all active plugins to the object you are doing this on, without bouncing (I mean, as fast as your CPU can calculate it)