good free/cheap multi-band compressor ?


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Hello, im looking for a cheap and good multi band compressor.
So far I have been using the reaxcomp but for some reason it really does not like cubase and ends up crashing my sessions most of the time when I bring up the GUI :erk:

So anyone got some good suggestions?.. don't mind spending a bit of money, but atm I can't afford to shell out for something like the waves C4.
I have to say that since i went legit, the only plugs i really miss are C4 and transX multi
none of the free equivalents compare at all, and there are very very few replacements for transx for love or money
GMulti <3 It's so awesome, there aren't many things I can't get the way I want with that plugin. It's just a shame it has stupid limitations such as only 3 bands and you can't set the crossover frequencies as freely as you'd wish sometimes. But still, it kicks so much ass!
I very rarely have a need for a multi-band compressor. I have ozone and Wavearts multidynamics 5. The wavearts one sounds really bad at the crossover points last time I tried it so I haven't gotten much use out of it. I got those free b/c I'm a dealer.

I haven't seen any free ones I particularly liked.

Might be worth reinstalling the ReaPlugs bundle to see if that improves anything.

Oh yeah, if you're really desperate you can send the track to a bus, return the bus on several faders. Insert filters to choose the bands. Cool thing is you can use different comps for each band if you want.