As promised, more tales from the 80's.
I don't want to get anyone into trouble, so the names have been changed.
Me, Baz and Bibbo set of to Mildenhall for an all day festival being headlined by Saxon the day before Heavy Metal Go's To The Dogs at Hackney (oh the days of 2 different festivals in 2 days). Seem to recal we set off from Chester at around 3.00am in Bibbo's Viva (thought it might take a few hours in this particular car). A fairly uneventful journey apart from the driver taking to the grass verges so he could bag himself a lucky rabbits foot (not so lucky for the poor rabbit though).
anyway, to cut a short story long, we got into Mildenhall mid afternoon and in the tradition of a true Metal Heads, sussed out the local drinking establishments! so there we were, partaking of a sociable sweet sherry, when one of the organisers of the gig came into the pub and asked if we fancied earning a few quid. "What's the job" we asked, "security at the gig" came the reply. Manna from heaven, free entry, all access and got to boss people around! Job of the day was manning the access road to where the bands got in, which was quite a sureal moment. This was in the days of Saxon travelling in the Oldsmobile Regency which we spotted a fair distance away, knowing the band by then, we of course had to make them show their passes before we let the past (they loved us for that). Anyway, all was fairly incident free until a Baz decided to launch a half can of lager (heinus crime as it wasn't empty) at a porche containing a rather famous guitarist that Baz worshipped, but didn't recognise (the person in question took afront to being asked for his pass). At this point we decided that we should move into the gig as we didn't fancy the repurcussions of the lager incident.
Don't remeber that much from the actual concert itself, but that may have something to do with how much we had consumed over the previous 24 hrs.
Anyway, back to the car after the gig, tent erected and crashed out for the night.
Following day, notice various long haired youths coming through a gap in the fence with trays of beer. Security back into action! What the fuck are you lot doing, at which point they legged it.
Turned out that they have found a huge walk in refridgeration unit packed full of lager! Well, what was an honest and loyal member of security meant to do? decided that the securest place for the remaining trays of beer would be in the bakc of our car
