Amiga Enthusiast
Keep wondering what the best combo for shells and overheads is with TT stuff. I need 5 toms though, so that does rule out some of them.
yeah the cymbals need a lot of tweaking but the shells seem to be just fine.
it's the exact opposite of metal foundry which has absolute perfect cymbals but horrible shells, i think a combination of these two might give the best results.
i only own three expansions (lost NY, metal foundry and metal machinery) however if you need 5 toms,
the standard avatar kit seems to have the best sounding toms out of these. "allaire" from the losy NY SDX has the best sounding toms imho but it's only 3 of them so...
I used Metal Machine on a recent mix and a few things jumped out at me this time.
The rides seem to be fairly quiet compared to the rest of the cymbals. The choked cymbal hits are weak, and the (left) china is considerably louder than the other (right) and I see no workaround for this aside from automating the volume in the OH track. I have a hell of a time getting the toms to sound natural in fast fills, especially considering they're all baked onto a single stereo track which I still haven't found a workaround for.
Sorry this may be slightly off topic.
Nice one, thanks!In EZ-Drummer you can use this to control the ambient channels too but if you want more control over the individual volume you must route them as seperate tracks in your DAW. Lets say you want the hats not that loud in the overheads and room mics you will turn down the volume on the main page, where you could also change what hats are used and when setting the hats output on the mixerpage to DAW Channel 3 for example you can turn the volume up on that fader without getting more overhead/room volume.
So we're talking Made Of Metal for Overheads/Hats, Avatar for Toms, and maybe Metal Machine(ry) for Snares/Kicks?
Great tones!