Anyone UK based, over 25 and has a clean driving license?

One of my favorite parts of it is the incredible amount of in depth info you can get on all the topics in the game's universe, from nanotech augmentation to the current political state of affairs to thoughts on the nature of humanity, sentience, and existence. That, combined with the countless variabilities in conversations and interactions make it one of the most immersive game experiences I've ever had. I'm currently playing Mass Effect, and while I love it, it still can't compete with Deus Ex in terms of variety of environments; everything feels very restricted and small compared with the sprawling cities and maps in DE. GODDAMN I love that game...
I have to agree, the game is awesome, even though the graphics are at this point dated its still a wonderful game to play. The storyline itself is involved and requires a certain amount of thought that most games since lack. That is one of those games that should be remade every so often with current graphics rendering, etc. Truly a classic

I was always curious about that as well--the band name inspiration
The point is today Pc games are not for smart people as the were some time ago, I still miss those days of graphic adventures and puzzle games.
Now just "shoot them dead" games like the ones on Ps2 or XBox.
I love to play Hal Life, but goddamn I need sometime, something to make my brain works ahahahahah lol

Deus ex2 sucked balls, so lets hope this one might bring something better. The thing is, the studios where Deus Ex was made have stopped (Ion Storm Inc.) so I'm nto sure how these guys are gonna treat the material.

Might be great but... most likely will suck pretty hard. Please please make it a thinkers game like #1, mindless shooting theres plenty :worship:
Wow - that just made my week!! I know it obviously shows us nothing about the game, but the fact that the franchise isn't dead is enough to make me joyous. My only worry would be that if it's on consoles, it might be downscaled in scope like Invisible War, but if it's on PC, then I won't be able to play it, cuz fuck spending all that money on a gaming PC just to upgrade it in a year!

I didn't think DE2 was terrible; there was still plenty of thinking in terms of the subject matter, and there were plenty of variabilities in terms of which group (templars, Apostlecorp, etc.) you could ally yourself with - I guess I just didn't like how claustrophobic it made me feel because of the tiny maps, and I couldn't watch any of the other endings because I just couldn't bear to kill JC and Paul (which of course was a necessity for any ending besides the Helios one).