Anyone using LDC's for OHs?


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
Really enjoy the sound of more full overheads, I don't have a nice pair to test this ATM but maybe someone else can give some insight.
I always come back to LDC for some reason. Even if im rolling off the lows, Although a SDC most likely has flatter response and perhaps a tiny bit better high end detail I think at first listen most SDC's sound boring to me and that's probably my reasoning for using LDC.
Have used LDCs for OHs quite a lot, they are a lot looser and can definitely build up a lot more high mid gunk, I think they give a more realistic picture of the kit as a whole although this is not necessarily what you will want.
Depends on how I'm placing things and what sound I'm going for, but more often than not I'll use LDC's or ribbons. A couple u67's in an x/y or spaced pair is usually my starting point. I usually mic things so that the overheads comprise a big portion of the sound.
I like LDC's lots as overheads. Lately I prefer the full range, full kit overhead sound as opposed to the "mostly cymbals" approach. Unless you're moving from DPA's to u47's I doubt you'll notice a huge difference in transients.
Yep, I almost always use LDCs - C414EBs, Peluso P12s or P67s, AT4040s even, I've always been very happy with the results.
414XLS either x-y or spaced-pair 90% of the time. The other 10% is taken up by Fathead II's in Blumlein or some Audix ADX-51's in x-y or spaced.
2x diagonal U89 for the snare in the middle idea OMG. If you dont mind midsy toms.

Matched with 2 U87 room mics pretty close to the floor in line with the top of the kick ... hnnggg
Shot out Oktava MK012, Neumann KM184 and Audio Technica AT4050's for overheads on a pop punk album recently. AT4050's really gave a nice full sound of the kit from top to bottom and a wider stereo image compared to the other two. Going to be using LDC's on overheads more often I think!