Anyone using Mac and PC platforms together on a regular basis?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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As I mentioned in another thread I'm considering going back to a PC for my main studio machine just for some of the plugins and the fact that I'm using Reaper a lot these days and it's a very Windows-centric program.

My Macbook Pro though is the ultimate laptop and OS X rules for general computing, however I would still fully intend on using it for working on projects on a regular basis. Usually just for editing or tracking DIs in my bedroom (I get no cellphone reception in the studio so if I'm just bumming around doing personal music stuff for fun I prefer to just do it at my bedroom desk).

I'm just a bit worried about running into issues where I am missing this or that plugin on either computer when trying to open sessions between them. I don't think it's really that big of a deal since the plugins that are really doing 99% of the mix are available on both platforms, but I'm just wondering if it's really going to be as annoying as I expect.

Is anyone here using a PC for their studio machine and a Macbook for their bumming around, every day computer? Just interested in everyone's experience with it!
I've got ProTools on a PC (3.4GHz hyperthread - 5 years old), with my main work horse being a MBP 2.5GHz (2008 model).

I use PT when I have to (open tracks, certain plugs etc, testing software etc) - so I guess I'm the opposite of the situation you're going for.

My next machine, which will be a Mac, will have Bootcamp on it just because some of the software isn't available on OSX yet. Also, I don't really care about using it all the time - I just want to have ProTools on a machine incase of files being sent in that format.
I go back and forth quite a bit, but I don't use that many free plugins and what not so most of my stuff works pretty much everywhere. No issues so far.
I just got a macbook pro roughly a month ago. I love it to death. I have been using a pc for everything for the last 2 years and I had a damn good workflow too.

I bought the mbp thinking I would stick with windows and just run bootcamp to do work on my mac. It turns out I enjoy using osx way more and have just decided to switch over completely. I have mostly got the plugs I need in osx. I had to find substitutes for some.

My main goal though is to figure out the winows vst wrapper thing so I can use gclip and a few other amp sims from the forum. It sucks having to open old projects though in osx because plugs aren't compatible and I end up having to remix old stuff just to do a few edits and punch ins. In a few months though it shouldn't be a problem when I am fully migrated.
I'm just a bit worried about running into issues where I am missing this or that plugin on either computer when trying to open sessions between them. I don't think it's really that big of a deal since the plugins that are really doing 99% of the mix are available on both platforms, but I'm just wondering if it's really going to be as annoying as I expect.

In answer to this question: YES, It will be just as annoying as you expect it to be. At least it was for me. This is the reason I decided to make that face first jump to osx.

I scrapped everything I could get along without and found substitutes for the must haves.
I went from windows to mac 2 years ago and never looked back. The fact that I stopped using pirated stuff around that time helped to switch too ;)