Anyone using Vista?


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
My computer died, so I just purchased a new one with Vista loaded. It doesn't like iPods, so beware. My kids are freaking out because iTunes wants to restore the iPods to the factory settings which will wipe out everything...and they have alot of stuff on there!

Anyway, just be careful and have really complete backups before you upgrade...there may be alot of time restoring...otherwise it's a nice OS...they just rolled it out too quickly.
When I put together my desktop about 2 months ago, I specifically asked for XP. It came with a coupon for a Vista upgrade. I have heard nothing but complaints about the OS shutting you down if it thinks for even a second you are doing something illegal. Good luck.
Can't blame you. I imagine that XP will work just fine for a few more years. By that time, they should have this crap worked out.
When I put together my desktop about 2 months ago, I specifically asked for XP. It came with a coupon for a Vista upgrade. I have heard nothing but complaints about the OS shutting you down if it thinks for even a second you are doing something illegal. Good luck.

Really? So like it messes with your downloads and stuff? Fuck that....
No Vista for atleast another year. Driver support is horrid, the performance lags behind XP in most video apps, and requires alot of resources. I am in the IT field and I tell my customers not to even think about Vista yet not matter how good it looks. Any next generation of Windows is buggy
No Vista for atleast another year. Driver support is horrid, the performance lags behind XP in most video apps, and requires alot of resources.

Werd. Until Microsoft have the decency not to release a beta-version and using 2 billion people as bughunters I won´t buy it. Sure, all operative systems have flaws and bugs but from what I´ve heard and read Vista is a rushed product.
im going to be running vista dual booted with xp on my laptop soon for work.

i refused to give up xp becuase of the usefulness of it and i have to use vista to support some virtual networking software for all our customers that are getting vista.

i think vista is a net nanny operating system, its cute to be written in plain english but the security is draconian to say the least.

im glad i got 4 spare pc's loaded with XP ready to roll down in the basement and i have Ubuntu, Kubuntu and DamnSmall linux should i get bored.

the bios on the new pc's are great and in plain english for a change so changing the order of what starts first is nice especially if you want to boot from usb which is handy if your hard drive craps out.

i think im gonna test out an install on xp on my pc tonight here...its a dell optiplex 745.

it has sata everything so im gonna shut off the work hard drive and run an install of windows xp that i have that doesn't require activation. heh
i think im gonna test out an install on xp on my pc tonight here...its a dell optiplex 745.

it has sata everything so im gonna shut off the work hard drive and run an install of windows xp that i have that doesn't require activation. heh

Doesnt require activation?? Can you say corp volume license
I didn't realize there were so many computer geeks here.

I may return this computer to Staples and get a new one loaded with XP...I have 14 days...any suggestions?

Will XP force my kids to restore their iPods, or will it accept them as is?
No Vista for atleast another year. Driver support is horrid, the performance lags behind XP in most video apps, and requires alot of resources. I am in the IT field and I tell my customers not to even think about Vista yet not matter how good it looks. Any next generation of Windows is buggy

Return or keep?...the iPod problems are a big deal in my house...but is XP any better? Will it recognize the iPods properly without requiring a restore?
EEv,,, i got it from a co worker who got it from someone else,,,been using it for 3 or 4 years now on several machines.

only thing is doesn't work on Sata drives to do an install.