Anyone want to give a shot...


Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
at putting "By God Forsaken" into GuitarPro format? I started a little bit on this but I'm stuck at the moment so I figure someone to work with it on will make it go quicker, as well.

I'd be willing to do any song, really (except for Spectral stuff, I think - too difficult when I do not have a seven-string guitar myself) (and except for Dimensions Unseen and Mind Revolution, since those already have GPs). I think it'd be cool to get all the songs up there, since I know I certainly want to be able to play all of them.

I prefer to transfer stuff over AIM and work that way but MSN is cool too. Possibly even ICQ if that's all you have :tickled:
Only ICQ? What is this, 1997? :ill:

Anyway, I have tremendous respect for those who can tab with such accuracy. Goddamn, it must take a long time, both getting good enough at guitar playing and training your ear like so, as well as simply tabbing a single song. Definitely out of my league, sorry Mr. Gadlor.

And with that I conclude this useless post.
Might sound like a stupid question, because ive never tried to play skyfire... what tuning is TD in?
Standard. It's in 3/4 time, though...o_O

Edit: Actually, I lied, it's in 5/8. I found a pardner and we've made immense progress on By God Forsaken already!! WOOOOOO

And by the way...whoever wrote that arpeggio lead buried in the verse of that song needs shot. So many times. And then lauded.
I found out the lead guitar of Breed Through Me,Bleed For Me except the "Legato or Tapping Chorus". But one of my friends tabbed the song from start to 2min30sec (every instrument but especially keyboard because he is a Keyboard player) and then i finished the guitar melodies for the rest of the song. Unfortunatly, i'm not good at GP especially with the timing so i can't tab it :erk: