
the eye of the beholder
Nov 14, 2001
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Today in Australia is ANZAC Day! This is a national day of rememberance for those that have fought and fallen in battle. The tradition actually stems from the 1914 Gallipoli campaign but now encompasses every theatre of war/conflict.
It is a day that makes me proud to be Australian, but it is also a day that makes me sad. Not only for the fallen but for the time that I 'don't' spend with my grandfather.
Does this day or any others (not in Australia) stir such memories?
I mean I'm not a flag waver but this day really does something to me. the going down of the sun, and in the morning
We will remember them
Lest We forget.......
No. Fuck the idiots who happily went to a beach full of armed soldiers to die.

Why should I be proud of someone elses death? Why should I be proud that an answer to the problem, rather than a temporary solution, wasn't sought?

Fuck the idiots who died, and fuck the idiots who put them there


I, as the son of my father, am unfortunately involved in ANZAC day and other piece of crap 'holidays', because my father is the CEO of an RSL (Returned Service-men Leage) club, and this really shits me. I have to go set up/pack up events and put up with this patriotism bullshit, and I can't even speak my mind.
Who says anyone was 'happy' about it? You are a dumb fuck if you don't realise the significance of it. You may not feel it has any significance to your life, but atleast show some fucking respect.

Oh, and it's ANZAC day here in NZ too (you may have noticed the 'NZ' in 'ANZAC') :p
Hitler did take over all of europe :p besides britian.

This is really sad, Sullen Jester you might as well ask no-one to cry at your funeral.
Hitler said every generation should experience war, I think Sullen Jester should, maybe hed understand why we have these holidays.
World War 1 was the result of everyones greed.
World War 2 basically was the result of Germanys punishment for losing the war.

I don't expect to have a funeral. Who will find the body?
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
This one is beside me: why 'celebrate' the stupidity of mankind?
Maybe it's more a case of rememberance rather than celebration? If everyone really thought of the sacrafice everyone in the war made (both sides), they might be less inclined to have another war. Humanity is stupid because it doesn't learn the lessons from it's history. The occassional look back is a good thing, I think.
They merily signed up for battle because of what the propaganda corps. told them.
The propaganda corps. published what they did because they were told to.
Their 'valuable leaders' told them so because they wanted power.

They fought because they were told to - how ironic. They were 'fighting for freedom', when they were told what to do.

If people weren't so friggin' greedy to begin with, the powder-keg scenario of Europe would never have been so serious after such a tiny squabble.
If people weren't so friggin' ignorant, they would not have fought for power, they would have thought for bettering mankind.

And you want me to respect those fucktards who wasted thier lives, their thoughts and all they had, just to shoot someone.
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Maybe it's more a case of rememberance rather than celebration? If everyone really thought of the sacrafice everyone in the war made (both sides), they might be less inclined to have another war. Humanity is stupid because it doesn't learn the lessons from it's history. The occassional look back is a good thing, I think.

Humanity is stupid for fighting itself. Humanity is stupid because it uses violence to segregate itself. Humans as a whole and as individuals prove to be a collective receptical to propaganda. Mankind is very manipulative, and the thought of fighting for a better world is a common one!

You tell me, why would shooting someone be better than letting them shoot someone else?
I think it's all well and good if you want to remember the dead...but I think that day should be a big fucking reminder to the world that it's all because of politicians that those people died in the first place.

Society has done so well to blanket that obvious truth over its civilians. People never think about the president or king or prime minister who put those people forth to die. They just think of the dead.

War starts with one pissed off mind and escalates into international hatred. And the hilarious thing is when the leaders, for example George Bush, says stupid shit like "God be with America". Finish the sentence, dipshit: "God be with America as we as God's children slaughter each other with cruelty and malice, but may God be with us."

If there is a God, He/She/It's probably watching us saying "Christ, I can't believe I created something so stupid."

To which Jesus will reply: "You talking to me dad?"

And God will say: "No Junior, shut up and go back to your calculus."
You don't have to shoot all of them, just outfight them until they surrender. I also think that more people would have died had Hitler been able to go unstopped, than the amount of people who died trying to stop him.

Take the concentration camps for example, he would have seen to it every jew and gay in Europe was killed. I think it does mean something that people died to stop that.