George Bush


But only lately.....
Oct 6, 2003
South Africa
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I am not an american but i am giving my opinion from outside. I remember somebody telling me the other day about what nostradamus once said that one day the village idiot will rise and rule the nation. I think it has happened now, am i the only guy that thinks he is an idiot?
MetallicaSux said:
I am not an american but i am giving my opinion from outside. I remember somebody telling me the other day about what nostradamus once said that one day the village idiot will rise and rule the nation. I think it has happened now, am i the only guy that thinks he is an idiot?

You're from South Africa? Like you have room to talk about Politics. :p

South Africa: The only nation where it's legal for white people to kill black people, but not the other way around. :guh:

STFU about America and do something about your sorry ass racist country. :p
Did I say anything about Aparthied? :rolleyes:

Did you know you can put flamethrowers on your car if you live in South Africa? They're not for people with night time visual deficencies... :p
xenophobe said:
Did I say anything about Aparthied? :rolleyes:

Did you know you can put flamethrowers on your car if you live in South Africa? They're not for people with night time visual deficencies... :p

mmmm..... do you live in South Africa? NO you don't so please don't come and tell us what to do. It is typical of americans to interfere in other peoples bussiness i.e iraq?? And for you information, the politics in this country is fucked up, if you shoot a black dude breaking into your house, you go to jail and if you are a black dude you can kill someone and get away with it, no the other way round. And for the flame thrower on your car, we have the largest carjacking statistics in the world, what should we do? let them just take the car, you have to defend yourself and b.t.w it isd not leagal to do that anyway!!!