API A2D sample


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
I recently got an API A2D and decided to revisit a song I had reamped for another Sneapster. There are 2 versions, one with Raw guitars blended with the backing track mp3 and one with some slight EQ on the guitar tracks blended with the backing track mp3. I didn't adjust the level of the guitars on the EQ'd track so they will be a little louder in the mix compared to the Raw sample due to a couple of little boosts. Keep in mind this is not a final mix, just a sample with the provided backing track. The backing track does sound pretty nice already though. When the tracks get mixed in properly I hope they will fit well. I look forward to doing some more songs with this fellow Sneapster.

RAW Guitars
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/The Calling - RAW.mp3

A Little EQ
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/437070/The Calling - EQ'd.mp3
Ahh, *that* sneapster. Good stuff to practice reamping to, for sure.

The tone does seem to have a certain roundness over the old Firebox sounds. Something more complete about it, less peaky and more pleasant to listen to. Hard to tell exactly what without a direct comparison, but the change is positive for sure.
Hey dude, pretty cool, though kinda distant sounding, though that might just be how they're mixed (and with that lead part over it pushing 'em back too). I think I'm actually preferring the RAW one over the slightly harsher-sounding one with EQ; FWIW, I really only like to do subtractive post-eq on guitars, if I need to boost I can usually do it with the amp settings with more natural results! What exactly did you do to the eq'ed one? (I'm gonna guess a boost around 2k or 3k)

And you say these are blended with the backing track, do you mean there are already guitars in that backing track that yours are blended in with?
Thanks for the feedback. The backing track has no other guitars. EQ was HP/LP, notch at 6400, little boost at 4500 and a little hi-shelf.

As far as a direct comparison, I will see what I can do later in the week. I will say though that the difference between it and the Firepod wasn't nearly as big as I was expecting. Especially with the preamp gain low it wasn't all that different at all. :yow: As Lasse mentioned, the harder you drive the preamp the better it sounds and the difference is more evident, although it is still not night and day. This clip was recorded with the maximum preamp gain before it clipped, padding the input and then attenuating the signal before hitting the converters, so it has maximum preamp "colour" so to speak.

A quick summary of my observations of the differences are, tighter bottom end, slightly more detailed and can handle a higher gained (as in amp head gain/distortion) signal better without losing clarity. Overall I would consider it a subtle difference, but a good difference still. A AUD$2700 difference?, well in my opinion probably not. Don't get me wrong, I like it overall but was honestly expecting more, of what really I don't know, just something :lol:. I am sure that if I throw some fast-picked aggressive tracks at it that it will track tighter and more detailed than the Firepod. As I experiment more I am sure I will see more of a difference as it has many possible settings/scenarios:

Input Pad of -20dB
Output Transformer tapping selection 2:1 (-10dB)
Attenuation of the preamp signal before the Converters

There are quite a few different combinations for a "clean" or "coloured" sound with those options to play with. The metering LED's are extremely quick acting and the buttons have pretty blue leds :lol:.
Haha, yeah, my (now former) school's studio has one, and I used it on a session (after scouring the .pdf manual for info on what all the buttons did :D) with good results, though of course didn't compare it with any other preamps! Truthfully I can't say I'm surprised that the differences were subtle, especially on a distorted guitar track; just goes to show it's the source/mic/position that really matters!