
Do you care about public apologies?

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King Richard

Hello there
Mar 23, 2006
Wouldn't you like to know
This has been a topic that has bothered me for a very long time. It's those forced apologies people give to the public when they royally fuck up.

Case in point: On Monday Night Football, the insufferable Ron Jaworski said "shit" on the air. Everyone pretended like nothing happened and they just continued on with their broadcast. Later in the game however, Ron piped up and apologized if he had offended anyone with his inappropriate word.

The word itself isn't up for debate, even though I think it's pretty stupid people have to apologize for saying the word shit. But anyway, it was fairly obvious that Ron was put up to this. I'm almost totaly certain some higher up at ESPN spit Domaine Romanée-Conti all over their 200" 4D television in one of the numerous masions in a land far far away when they heard that and made a few phone calls calling for his head but settling for an apology.

Without ranting on too much further, my point is, what's with all of these forced, fake apologies? I already know from watching some documentaries on Jaworski that he cusses like a sailor, so for him to sit there and "apologize" for offending someone with his language as if he really cares is laughably false.

Another example of this type of self-preservationist act is that dbag Anthony Weiner after he texted pictures of himself to some chick in California, Tiger Woods after being caught fucking anything with two legs and a vagina, the Arnold for knocking up his maid, and the list goes on. The reality of the situation is, none of those people I just listed are truly sorry for what they've done. But yet, if they simply say "I'm sorry," all is forgiven and the world keeps spinning. When in reality, if they were truly sorry, they wouldn't have done what they did in the first place.

It seems like society just begs for these people to "swallow their pride and man up to their mistakes," but is that really what's happening? I don't think so. I just think, like politicians in general, they do it only to save face and prevent their world for caving in (how's that working out for you Tiger?).

It's such a sham that, well let's be honest here it's mostly celebrities and people in power, are allowed off the hook for merely apologizing, even if others' lives have been affected by this. Wouldn't it be nice if we were all allowed to just apologize for the mistakes we've made and pretend like it never happened? I think that'd be sweet.

Personally, I'd prefer the people who fuck up somehow would just go away for a while. I don't care about your fake apology. I don't feel like you owe me anything, it's not like my life is the one that is about to be turned upside down. I just don't understand this apparent infatuation with demanding things like this from people we don't even truly know just to satisfy ourselves because of our morals, beliefs, or self-righteousness.

Saying sorry is a formality. They're recognizing they've done something that will offend many people. Of course they don't give a shit, but for the people who are offended it's better than nothing.

I don't give two shits about public apologies one way or the other, but it hardly bothers me.
What more can you do than apologize? You already fucked up and I don't think people aside from celebrities who say "shit" are really absolved of their wrongdoings by the people affected by the fuckup in question...
I agree, although it's not necessarily the "apology" that bothers me, but the fact that people get "offended" by everything. Steve Hughes nails my view on this completely:

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I agree, although it's not necessarily the "apology" that bothers me, but the fact that people get "offended" by everything. Steve Hughes nails my view on this completely:


I agree with that video, too. I posted something on Facebook about 9/11 that was deemed 'insensitive' by some people and they took offense to it. I work with a few of the people and one of them hasn't really talked to me for three days after what I said and also took me off her friends list. Really? Does the fact that I think all the bullshit about 9/11 being rammed down my fucking throat is fucking stupid really offend you? Why don't you fucking talk to me about it instead of acting all butthurt?

She's in her 40s. She needs to grow the fuck up. I shouldn't have to apologize for being opinionated. We all have opinions and we all have to fucking deal with it.

That said, public apologies don't mean shit as far as I'm concerned. People apologize to safe face, but they don't necessarily mean anything by apologizing or that they're actually generally concerned their actions hurt someone. They only do it because someone tells them to do it.

Also, Jaws cursing on the air is hilarious.
I work with a few of the people and one of them hasn't really talked to me for three days after what I said and also took me off her friends list.

Facebook unfriending is a new phenomenon. An old friend of mine unfriended myself and my girlfriend because he thought we snubbed him at a gig (I didn't even see him at said gig). Never spoke to me about it at all, just unfriended us and told another friend that he was pissed that we'd snubbed him. I haven't spoken to him for about a year. Fuck him. I don't have time for highschool bullshit, I'm 37 years old ffs.
Facebook unfriending is a new phenomenon. An old friend of mine unfriended myself and my girlfriend because he thought we snubbed him at a gig (I didn't even see him at said gig). Never spoke to me about it at all, just unfriended us and told another friend that he was pissed that we'd snubbed him. I haven't spoken to him for about a year. Fuck him. I don't have time for highschool bullshit, I'm 37 years old ffs.

Yeah, that happened to this guy who used to be friends with my ex girlfriend. She was having a Super Bowl party and he didn't attend because he wanted to hang out with his friend whose aunt had just died (and I guess they were really close) and so she defriended him.

I agree with you. It's stupid high school bullshit. I'm not going to censor myself on my Facebook page for your convenience.
Mental and emotional maturity is far too rare these days. What enrages me is when I'm called immature because of my taste in music/comedy/clothing, although I'm not drawn to drama and prone to tantrums like 90% of the people I know. Those two things are true signs of immaturity, imo.
On apologies, I agree. Celebrities shouldn't have to apologize for offending one cunt who lives in the Bible belt. Fuck her so everyone else can get on w/ their lives.
Mental and emotional maturity is far too rare these days. What enrages me is when I'm called immature because of my taste in music/comedy/clothing, although I'm not drawn to drama and prone to tantrums like 90% of the people I know. Those two things are true signs of immaturity, imo.
On apologies, I agree. Celebrities shouldn't have to apologize for offending one cunt who lives in the Bible belt. Fuck her so everyone else can get on w/ their lives.

Ozz I agree but you're still a retard for making 9/11 jokes when you have people you work with on there.
And you're a fucking retard for having no frame of reference about what happened. I only have a very short synopsis and no where was it implied that I made a 'joke' about it. Insensitive comments =/= jokes necessarily. Although, I didn't find it insensitive at all but maybe that's because I'm desensitized to a bunch of bullshit thanks to the internet. Besides, is it any different if I don't have coworkers on there? Does it make it any better/worse?
i complained about the media barrage about 9/11 on FB, and I have my fucking boss as a friend. No one complained. I think your coworker is just an uptight twat.

Yeah. Only three people said anything. I have ~20 colleagues on my facebook. I really need to delete them. I might do it tomorrow if I get up the nerve.
Ozz I agree but you're still a retard for making 9/11 jokes when you have people you work with on there.

lol. I made 9/11 jokes with people I worked with and with people without.

First off, nothing wrong with making jokes on it, media conditioning has still convinced people that jokes on it are not cool, and that it should be treated with respect at all times.

I do not make fun of the people who died, I only make fun of the condition and they way people make it out to be a no joke zone.

My personal belief is tragedy has to be funny, or else it is fear. If you allow fear to take over and can not see humor or make jokes about something you have become part of the conditioning that says we do not talk about that, we do not joke about that. America has a hard time looking at things from other points of views. I got called an asshole by a few because I merely said that while we are taking time out to remember the dead americans, we should also take time out to remember the countless civilian casualties in the middle east as well. Because a life is a life, murder by any other name is still murder. The belief with some is that all middle easterns are bad and should be treated as potential terrorists who are a threat to freedom, evil people who will destroy you and your family in a second if they get the chance. I call bullshit on that and say, do not lump the everyday people in the same catagory as the extremists who are responsible for the events that unfolded.

If you look at the amount of civilian casualties in the middle east since the start of the war on terror, it is alarming.. the info is out there for you to see, take a look for yourself...

But as I said, in the end... black humor has it's place in the world, but the uptight zombies do not wanna hear it.

Calling somebody a retard for making jokes just because you may offend somebody you work with is more retarded than making those jokes in the first place.

So as I said, tragedy has to be funny, or else it is fear. Fear is what the people want, it is what the establishment wants, and it is not good. Show you are not afraid, take a chance and have fun. I laugh at misfortune, be it somebody elses or my own.

Screw the PC lunatics who live their days in total seriousnes.. The only thing that should be PC is your computer.

As I said to one person who called me an asshole "hey now, your country is founded on the idea of freedom of speech, but I guess that doesn't apply when you disagree with the opinion of another".
as for offering apologies, save your appologies for things worth apologizing for.

I get tired of people who don't hold a door open for somebody at a store and feel the need to say sorry, stepping on somebodies toe in a store because you did not see them there, or anything like this. The first instinct is to say sorry, but it is not meant, it is more just to look like the good guy because we are raised to believe we should say sorry.

You say sorry when you have done something wrong with the intent of doing wrong. Say sorry when you hurt somebody by bad actions, said something you were probably better off not saying... when you genuinely hurt somebody.. not because you accidently stepped on a toe or didnt hold open a door.

The more you say sorry for something you do not need to the more it cheapens the word. It is like people who call somebody a nazi for taking away something small, or people who compare the smallest atrocity to the holocaust, the more you do that the more it cheapens the events and makes it seem small. Saying sorry because you did something small is an empty expression, just forced and not really meant.
If you throw a frisbee and it accidentally hits a child in the face, you should probably apologize.

On the joke topic: If you can find humor in anything and everything, you will live a good life.
depends on circumstance..

Should a hockey player who shoots a puck into the stands because of a slapshot have to apologise to somebody who gets hit in the mouth with said puck because said person has their head down and are not paying attention to their own surroundings? no... that is not their fault, they did not anticiapate it hitting that person, and most likely didn't even anticipate that puck going over the boards. People should pay attention to the world around them and keep their head up. I shouldn't have to apologise because you do not know the number one rule of thumb like that. Own fault in this case.