I've never really been religious at all, but I've always been spiritual in a deeper sense. Now I'm not sure that there is a god. No, I don't believe there is one. I think we are the masters of our own future & when we die, we die...
I've brought about change because I've always been very good to people. I've always showed people so much respect & it even seems like I am a well respected person by the people that I know, but I realize that no mater how much good I do many people will not like me for who I am, but people will just respect me because I'm nice to everyone. I hate being alone & I hate only having a couple of friends. I've done everything I can do to keep myself out of a situation like this. I also was dumped by my ex two years ago & she is a very religious person. That made me feel like shit & diminished any belief in God I once might have had. As good as I've always been to her, I believe that "her" God wouldn't have wanted her to treat me the way she did. I basically live in remorse now. Everywhere I go I wear a happy face & people treat me like shit. I guess I'll just chalk it up to the world we live in...
In other words I'm agnostic & I don't think it's likely that there's a God. I came into this belief through a major change in my life over the past 6 years.