

Resident Media Punisher
Hey guys, something just occurred to me. I just wanted to apologize for all those times when you challenge what I say and I get all pissy about it. I'm just a stubborn bastard who let's his anger out on y'all. No hard feelings I hope.

But just don't count on me changing!
Jody's no lordy side is coming out....

So you mean, all the times you were really on the rag and taking it out on us, paa haa haa!!!! I can relate.... :)
Ah, isn't stubborn difference of opinion the reason we are all here for? That's certainly why i post here... :D
Being stubborn is not a bad thing. But being stubborn about a thing you know you are wrong, certainly IS.
But the good thing about you GeniusGonInsane is that you won't change! So long as you don't cross the thin line which separates
Genius and Insanity.