Hello to all

BleedingNeonBlack said:
haha Rhapsody? no thanks...power metal isnt exactly my thing...i can listen to some bands...i am thrash all the way

but hi to you, hows the bronx? hahah Brooklyn here

...Wow... Thrash all the way? Pyrus, Karen and I welcome you with open arms ;)

Seems like I live right next door to you ;)
Pyrus said:
j00 is nto teh ultiamte thrrashead. if you do not listen to ulysses siren, you lose/

anyway, jkaren is definitely he ultimate thrash head. check out her cdlist.

seee? sghe wins, you lose. and ui win too cause i listen to ULSYESSES MOTHRRRFUCKING SIREN and ui'm drink too.

okay. good night.

Karen wins because of who she is... Her cd list isn't worth anything compared to that...

...But it does kick ass :D
IOfTheStorm said:
only after headbanging, maybe your husband was a witness of that.
no, actually Grigoris and Dim. told me that about the hair. find that f***ing :oops: :eek: picture. are you the blackie strangling the other one or the strangled one on that pic? :confused:
Brothers I am calling from the valley of the kings
with nothing to atone
A dark march lies ahead, together we will ride like
thunder from the sky
May your sword stay wet like a young girl in her
Hold your hammers high