Apple Officially adds Windows support to Macs today

EtherForBreakfast said:
Sorry to hear you have to format your PC so much, dude. Must be a drag.

I was just curious as to why anyone on Team A (PC) would want to run Team B (Mac) software.

I am not saying Team A > Team B.

Well here's an instance where I found that Mac's version was better than PC.

I use photoshop a good bit, and really on a PC considering I own a PC and not a Mac. Whenever I do use a Mac at school, or whatever, I find that photoshop has more features, runs faster, etc. on the Mac. Even the same "versions," (CS2.)

While the faster thing has always been of great debate, I've learned that the Ghz measurements are not a accurate way of measuring speed. That was pointed out to me with the whole Intel and AMD thing. AMD started using processes instead of Ghz, which is actually more truthful.

So to say that (this is just an example, I don't have actual figures) that an 3.0Ghz Intel Pentium 4 chip is better than a 2.5Ghz Intel chip may not be true at all. Now that intel makes chips for Apple...this makes this arguement a little bit harder to swallow.

Also note the whole operating system differences as well as hardware.
cameltoe said:
PC is hands down the faster platform.
Completely untrue.

Personally, I'm going to wait until the Intel-based Mac towers come out rather than pick up one of the laptops, which from what I've heard, will come later this year.
Actually, there IS this paragraph at the bottom of the Boot Camp page:

"Remember, Apple Computer does not sell or support Microsoft Windows."

They're just making it possible to dual boot the Intel Macs.

Great move.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
Well here's an instance where I found that Mac's version was better than PC.

I use photoshop a good bit, and really on a PC considering I own a PC and not a Mac. Whenever I do use a Mac at school, or whatever, I find that photoshop has more features, runs faster, etc. on the Mac. Even the same "versions," (CS2.)
Heh, I've always found the opposite to be true, I prefer using photoshop in Windows for some reason.
I've had a plethora of problems running ProTools HD on a Dual G5 rig, but I really don't think this thread is the place to discuss it. I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing everyone else wax on about which platform is superior.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
While the faster thing has always been of great debate, I've learned that the Ghz measurements are not a accurate way of measuring speed.

It never has been...
I remember the ancient times when PC users laughed at Mac or Amiga users whose Motorola CPUs ran at 20MHz whereas Intels reached 40MHz.
The speed was in fact the same, it seems that Wintel platform wastes lots of CPU time when compared to Motorola or PowerPC CPUs, I don't know how else to explain this. And Macs have always been optimized better than PCs, who always struggled with thousands of manufacturers and their god-knows-how written-and-optimized drivers.

Just compare AMD Athlon64 3000+ to Intel's Pentium4 3GHz, the difference is barely noticeable and AMD runs at almost 1GHz lower clock in fact... :)
Kazrog said:
The Amiga was the shit. Best computer of all time, I still miss it.

Here's an even cooler solution: run Windows inside Mac OS X simultaneously!

Keep in mind, this is NOT emulation, this is full speed Intel mayhem. Very exciting news lately!
Yeah thats pretty impressive. Apple has been doing everything right lately, in my opinion. I think they've put themselves in a position to make huge gains in the number of people that use Macs in the next few years. Not to mention the quality of said products.
MKS said:
OT: Fabbio

Is that a set of Mapex Saturns?


...I have absolutely not idea...

It's just the drum set that I found in this reharsal room (we rent two hours a week with my band).
I have to say that the sound of the kick, from the drummer's perspective, was one of the best I've ever had.
That's what it looks like. I just wanted to know since I just ordered a saturn kit.