The biggest reason why it sucks to be a Mac guy...

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Damn, the biggest reason why it sucks to be a mac guy is because fucking Mac's suck :D Windows kicks its fucking ass into hell! A Mac is just a nicer looking Linux Ubuntu, fuck Ubuntu and Mac! XP and Vista are the two words that make me shit myself because they are so much better! and you get all the free amp sims and plugs in Windows, what do you poor Mac guys get? dick because its too much work to program shit for a Mac.

EDIT - :erk: sorry about my rant, I've not had a good start to my day

I'd be inclined to listen to you if you knew anything about Linux, or anything with a Unix based kernel, but seen as though you seem to think that Unix-based systems stop at Ubuntu (disregarding every form of Linux out there, Fedora, CentOS, Slackware, DSL, Suse, Mandrivia etc, as well as the BSD variants like FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc, and Solaris) plus the fact OS X is based upon the BSD Kernel, and has nothing to do with Linux, I think I can safely ignore your ill-informed, ill-researched, and just generally vomit worthy rant.
::XeS:: - I have to disagree with you. Just because I can afford a Mac Pro, doesn't mean that free amp sims don't have value. I have environmental issues (i.e. neighbors) that prevent me from using real amps, so I am always on the hunt for the best sims. Money is not an issue for me at all - but volume certainly is. If there was a Mac-only amp sim that cost $5000 that sounded as good as a real amp, I would buy it in a heartbeat. As soon as a viable Mac-based sim comes out, I'll be the first person in line. But right now, I feel that all of the best sims are PC-only. To me, PodFarm and Sansamp are cool for scratch tracks, but TSE, Dirthead, 456, etc, have all given me tracks that are good enough for a final mix with VERY little effort. The stuff that I have on the Mac side - GR4, Revalver III, PodFarm, Amplitube Metal (all of which I own legally by the way) don't come close for heavy rhythms. Can they sound good or better? Possibly. But to me, the PC sims sound better out of the box with ZERO effort.

Also - I hate to say it, but there's probably just as much Mac piracy going on as their is Windows piracy.

Sorry, but I'm the first to admit that if you can afford both the hardware and all the software, and are serious about doing WORK (whether it be Audio Engineering, Video editing, etc.) then Mac >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PC without a doubt (and my family only just got its first Mac about a month ago), primarily because of the fantastic support and stability (yes of course they can crash and have problems, but it still feels like an infinitely more efficient OS; Windows is still based on DOS at its core for chrissakes, there's just so much extranneous useless shit as far as system processes go)
::XeS:: - I have to disagree with you. Just because I can afford a Mac Pro, doesn't mean that free amp sims don't have value. I have environmental issues (i.e. neighbors) that prevent me from using real amps, so I am always on the hunt for the best sims. Money is not an issue for me at all - but volume certainly is. If there was a Mac-only amp sim that cost $5000 that sounded as good as a real amp, I would buy it in a heartbeat. As soon as a viable Mac-based sim comes out, I'll be the first person in line. But right now, I feel that all of the best sims are PC-only. To me, PodFarm and Sansamp are cool for scratch tracks, but TSE, Dirthead, 456, etc, have all given me tracks that are good enough for a final mix with VERY little effort. The stuff that I have on the Mac side - GR4, Revalver III, PodFarm, Amplitube Metal (all of which I own legally by the way) don't come close for heavy rhythms. Can they sound good or better? Possibly. But to me, the PC sims sound better out of the box with ZERO effort.

Also - I hate to say it, but there's probably just as much Mac piracy going on as their is Windows piracy.


What about an Axe FX? That way its not platform dependent.
"Money is not an issue for me at all - but volume certainly is. If there was a Mac-only amp sim that cost $5000 that sounded as good as a real amp, I would buy it in a heartbeat. "

That made me say that :)
Oh look, it's this thread again.

"Money is not an issue for me at all - but volume certainly is. If there was a Mac-only amp sim that cost $5000 that sounded as good as a real amp, I would buy it in a heartbeat. "

That made me say that :)

Haha, whoops, you got me - when threads like this pop up, it's definitely epic skimming time on my part :D
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