April ethereal


Sep 19, 2004
Have any of you guys heard of this band, they've got an album called, 'Advent'(talk about Opeth worship). Any way I got the album off ebay it is pretty good. Its similar to opeth But nowhere near as good(obviously) its more black metal than death, but i like it :headbang:

Anyway I just wondered what your thoughts were on this band?
Decadent said:
Decent, but total worship.

Your name sucks.

Yea I know, I found it funny for 5mins, and now it makes me cringe, i feel like puking everytime i see my name. Anyway i should have put the words in the brackets backwards aswell, oh well 'I'm not the sharpest spoon in the draw'
i think ive posted that in nearly every thread. will not do it again. thanks for ruining my fun. not coming back here.

*dorian moves on to COB forum*