April Fool's Baby


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
For April Fool's, Antonio has been acting like a little clown, and so we entered him in a baby picture contest. (Since he was kicked off the "metal" site, we thought this might be more up his alley :D )

You can vote for him at http://www.babiesonline.com/babycontest/votepage.asp?page=28003 (he's on page 3 in the top right corner).

You can vote for him once per day (per computer), so if you've got nothing better to do, check back and give him your support every day.

He thanks you in advance for your support! For what it's worth, I'll give extra reputation points to anyone here that votes for him! (How's that for cheap bribery? :lol: )
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It's good you're very proud of your son :)

I'm waiting for it to load...
And four words for those who want to vote more:
Those "Current Finalists and Winners" aren't too cute at all... As I was looking at them I thought this was some sort of a "Vote the most ugly baby..." :rolleyes: But as Antonio is very cute, I gave my voite for him... =)

edit : turned on my proxy and voted another time :headbang: :)
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After giving reputation to only 3(!!!) people today, UM told that I have reached my limit for the past 24 hours. For those that haven't received rep from me yet, I will give it out when UM lets me :D

And today's a new day, so vote again :D