Aptrigga > Drumagog!!

I'll jump in on Drumagog's defense. I haven't tried apptrigga yet, but downloaded the demo. I did a 10 song disc for a band with an inconsistent drummer and really OLD drumheads. I used Drummagog on all the drums and had no problems. And thru experiance i can say throwing drummagog on a shitty track will not make it better, if a part's not played cleanly you can't trigger properly.
I'll jump in on Drumagog's defense. I've never had any of the problems listed in this thread. I did a 10 song disc for a band with an inconsistent drummer and really OLD drumheads. I used Drummagog on all the drums and had no problems. And thru experiance i can say throwing drummagog on a shitty track will not make it better, if a part's not played cleanly you can't trigger properly.
so your "bouncing" the original snare track to another new track and silencing the whole file except for rolls, ghosts, and blast beats. And then the opposite for the original snare track.....silence all except for the straight snare hits.

And then run different trigger programs for each.

Then run both snare tracks into a stereo bus with comp-->reverb.

I use 1 Snare audio track w/ apTrigga inserted, which is routed to another audio track which records the samples from apTrigga's output.

I go through the song, previewing apTrigga while recording to the new track. I save the settings as "Hard Snare", "Blast Beat", etc. and on different sections I just switch the setting in apTrigga. Once I've gone through the song and have the whole track triggered and recorded to a new audio track, I mute the original track and double-check to make sure it is correct. Then I remove apTrigga from the original snare and blend the original snare in with the sample and process as usual.

PT has a handy feature called Strip Silence that will cut out the stuff between the large transients for you. You just pull the slider until it's cutting most of you want you want it to, and then make any extra edits manually. I'm sure other DAWs can do this with some command. Stripping the audio between the transients will prevent any false triggering.

Snare is always the hardest to trigger effectively, but I find it's worth the effort when I hear the results.
PT has a handy feature called Strip Silence that will cut out the stuff between the large transients for you. You just pull the slider until it's cutting most of you want you want it to, and then make any extra edits manually. I'm sure other DAWs can do this with some command. Stripping the audio between the transients will prevent any false triggering.

hmmm....i'm using audition. Not sure I have any thing like Strip Silence.:Smug:

Is there a DX or VST that I can get to do that job ?:erk:
hmmm....i'm using audition. Not sure I have any thing like Strip Silence.:Smug:

Is there a DX or VST that I can get to do that job ?:erk:

Hmm, it would probably be called "remove silence" or something to that effect. It's used a lot in Voice/VO for removing the noise between lines.

There aren't any plugins that do that this. However, a gate can basically provide the same thing for your purpose of triggering. But you will still be without the ability to visually see the triggers, and you'd be using your ears to judge. A gate before apTrigga to cut out the low level stuff combined with a properly timed release on apTrigga might work for you.

The nice thing about cutting all the audio between the transients is that you can see exactly what is going on, where the triggers fall, and where they don't.
So I just bought the full version of Aptrigga and I think I wasted my money.

the samples sound marginally better, but setting sensitivity and such is lost on me.

For real, with Drumagog I can almost set it once and forget it. I can say on our last CD I had to spend maybe an hour getting the drums to trigger perfectly...And that was for all 5 songs on our EP. With aptrigga, I've spent on hour just on toms for 1 song...Maybe I have no clue, but in terms of ease, drumagog seems about 1000% easier after about 3 hours worth of dicking with aptrigga.

I feel like I wasted 50 bucks.
^ I've had the exact opposite experience.

Drumagog gave me nothing but headaches, but that was back on version 4.06. Maybe it is improved now...

apTrigga works for me without any adjustments on almost every track I put it on. The ones that do require adjustment are very simple to correct.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience with it. I'm not sure what is causing your problems. A lot of people around here have had a much easier time with apTrigga than Drumagog, which is probably the reason you picked it up?

You could sell it to someone on the board here... :cool:
Well, I've been messing with it more and more, reading up, etc just in the last hour and I feel I've made headway, but it is still more time consuming than drumagog was. I did buy it after reading how everyone said it was easier and sounded better.

aptrigga seems to have a fuller sample tone, but not the same attack as drumagog. I have to really dig in on the parameters to get aptrigga consistent without resorting to modifying/editing waveforms.

aptrigga is less taxing on my cpu as well, which was another reason I bought it. But, in hindsight I could have just rendered my individual tracks using drumagog and re-imported them into the song and been even better off.

I was looking to:

A.) reduce cpu load
B.) hopefully have a better/more accurate trigger engine
C.) Have better sounding samples
D.) save time while accomplishing all the above

I feel at this point I have accomplished only A...Once I get into mixing the album more I'll be able to tell what happens. I'm just messing with drum tracks on a song to test. Once I get techniques down and the GUI and parameters, I'm sure I'll get faster and more accurate.

Seems like I had better luck with the demo version.

I guess I was expecting an earth moving experience.


OK, OK...I'm liking it better now. I'm using the HO and LP filters to get the attack for 100% replacement and it's getting pretty good.
yeah, and we should all just play la bamba on acoustic guitars with one mic in the room. for something thats creative theres so many donts in engineering.
yeah, and we should all just play la bamba on acoustic guitars with one mic in the room. for something thats creative theres so many donts in engineering.

Dude. Fucking La Bamba? Apples vs. Oranges?

IMO, reinforcement is superior to replacement, with the exception of a poorly tracked kick drum.

haha okay well that was a slight exaggeration. i definately do see your point, and i can completely understand why you wouldnt agree with replacing drums etc (i dont at all) , but nothing is a no-no for me while mixing.

vocals are meant to be sung, not compressed and then reverb and delays added. see what i mean? if it sounds better to you, do it i say.

sorry if i was a bit harsh :(
I know, no worries! The quote was just taken out of context, so it seems more like overstating the obvious.

i just tried the apptrigga demo. man ist that thing great!!
i have this recording of a REALLY shitty drummer - not consistent at all. with drumagog i had to fiddle around a lot to get anywhere near good but if apptrigga i just put it on, select the sample and it fits! :)
Hmm, how can you use APTrigga to *completely* replace non-printed EzDrummer (or any such) tracks? If I fade the Dry down to 0%, while leaving Wet at 100% in APTrigga, I can't hear anything anymore - just silence in the track. It doesn't seem to replace anything until the original sound is also too audible in the background (messing up the sound).

Something I missed?

I trigger directly from MIDI after ezdrummer.

have you tryed to adjust the input gain slider? This is the first thing I do in apt.

If its way up it won't trigger properly.

I did a quick reading in the manual when I started using the program and never had any issue with it...

It is a nice reading by the way:cool:

besides being priced right, working right and sounding excellent...

Aptrigga GUI is much more clean than the ugly mofo drumaglorp!
apTrigga might own Drumagog, but I have a Drumagog license. And saving up for a Waves pack and Metric Halo Channelstrip. So I think I just keep it with Drumagog for now, and save those 40 euro's for the Waves / Metric Halo Channelstrip license..