Arch Enemy Live CD

Talking about live performances, I've been to a festival this week-end, and, strangely enough (or not), two bands had sounds that stood up above all others, really powerfull and clear... And for one of them, the bass player was totally unhearable, and for the other, there was no bass player at all... What do you think of this ?

Also, I'm wondering : we've seen that for the studios, the guitar amps must back off gain a lot... What about live performances where they are not double-tracked ?

Thanks for your answers

Hey Andy! Cant wait to hear the AE live stuff! Andy just got me a G5 and my first "real" plug ins. Im still looking for a mastering plug in. Im failry new to PT, and installing the shit is ridiculuosly hard. So I wanted to get the right stuff first! You got any favorites??