Arch Enemy

There are definitely a lot of good ones but I would say all are great. Anthems of Rebellion has a lot of boring trash on it. I would say almost all of Wages of Sin is great and 75% of Doomsday Machine.

It is pronounced Arch as in your back. ;)
I really like that one too. I didn't really like Doomsday Machine as much as their other stuff, except Nemesis.
I just bought their "Doomsday Machine" album for 5 bucks yesterday. It's pretty awesome, Michael Amott's the shit! I've already heard Nemesis tons of times and it's one of my favorite songs. I havn't heard much of the other albums, but AA is pretty awesome.
Well, I've only heard like 8 songs by Arch Enemy. I like them but Dead Eyes is definitely a kickass song.

Check out Machtkampf (I think that's how you spell it) off their Doomsday Machine album. It slaughters with a kick butt drum intro. Then it leads into some REALLY good heavy guitar rhythms. Angela also has a good voice rhythm off the song also. That is when you decide to get a new song from them.
TheMoi said:
Wages Of Sin is my favorite. It has so many kickass songs(Burning Angel, Enemy Within, Lament Of A Mortal Soul, Ravenous, ...).

thats a good album but i like dooomsday machine better
Heheh Enemy Within is the song of the moment for me. I've been humming all the riffs for the past two days since playing Wages Of Sin for the first time in months, & I've learnt them on guitar too. Brilliant.

I own the last three albums & they're all great stuff, but the first three are hard to get into. The music's still great but Johan's crap compared to Angela.
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Since im to lazy to search and create a thread i will just use this...what do you guys think of the new A.E album Rise Of The Tyrant? i really like it...maybe 1 or 2 less good favorite from the album is prolly Night Falls Fast....