
dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
Have I mentioned this before in these hallowed pages? Does anyone else watch it? Third season on currently...first two available on Netflix. Hilarious stuff.
Krieger drives a Rush-themed van with a "ten megawatt" system :tickled:
i like it. some episodes are so-so, but usually their deep personality problems and quickness to shoot people leads to hijinx and hilarity.
ARCHER? never heard of it ...

funny thing is since i got rid of cable and got Netflix again ... i have even less time to watch shit and even more options ...

i think i average 4 movies a month ...

my wife on the other hand is on a romantic comedy marathon.
this is a fucking cartoon? did you just reco me a cartoon? :lol:

in this wicked animated spoof of spy flicks and the sex-crazed agents

ahhh ... sex crazed ... dorians favorite :loco:
There is some line from that show that I cannot remember properly but it goes something like this

"Call girl? She was a call girl? Naw, dude, when they're dead, they're just hookers!"