Arctopus review: Pitchfork blows one again

Most music doesn't suck, because there is a heavily standardized (if often unconscious to many performers) method of making music "work" - the rules are easy to follow and especially in rock music - most people with a passable skill at their instrument can pull it off - they can tug at your emotions or get your adrenaline up because there are methods to do this catalogued by the history of the genre - same in movies.

True this all relies on a moving target definition of "sucking" - I guess what I mean is that most bands are effective within the structured limits they place themselves in.

However, one has to make an effort when listening to a new CD to treat it like it's the first thing he's ever heard in his life. Granted, the band or artist has in turn, to make an effort, which I cannot exactly describe how it would work, to present his music with conviction, honesty and passion. I've heard countless bands play say, generic power metal, but then you listen to say, Hammers of Misfortune, and the whole 'done before' argument becomes moot because they're playing with such conviction and intent.

I mainly have to agree with what FalseTodd said a bit above though, which is in my opinion the biggest problem: Most bands have no idea what they're doing. They're just picking up instruments and aping the successful stylistics and emotional application of the music made by the bands they like. On a base level, it works. I find though, that music benefits very much when the artist making it has a very clear idea of what he's trying to do, and when he filters what 'sounds good' extensively, and uses only what supports his premise. The 'concept' doesn't have to be discussed openly, or presented. It does however make a huge impact on how the typical jaded music listener recieves the art, I think.
i'm bored too. work is not what i want to be doing right now. this thread is making me feel the need to spend countless hours working at home on music.
of course this weekend is already taken up with house painting and family. i resent it all. especially since i was out two days this week and virtually nothing has changed- i'm just about caught up. makes me sick for wasting my time here.
I agree with most of what has been said here but I will say one thing: Really thrashing a record you hate is fun. I know it is not fun for the recipient of the record but to vent you dissatisfaction with a particular record in a good way is incredibly satisfying.

I really enjoy simple things too, when it is done right. When you hear passionate people doing music with equal passion you cannot help but notice. That and people who clearly have fun doing what they are doing. Those are ingredients that cannot be duplicated by anybody and that should get anybody over the hump.

BTW Greg, I wouldn't worry about your solo album, what I have heard is awesome.