Are guitar solos getting more mundane ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Aside from the fact some of these nu-metal bands aren't putting solos in songs period, does anyone else here feel like guitar solos sort of peaked in the late 80's -early 90's ? I just don't hear some of the same fire I used tio hear back in the day. Am I the only one that feels thatr way ? Not to say there aren't still some guitar gurus out there, but there seem to be less of them even though I have the access to much more music than BACK THEN.

Bryant said:
Not to say there aren't still some guitar gurus out there, but there seem to be less of them even though I have the access to much more music than BACK THEN.

I was a kid in the 80s, but here's how I see that situation...
Back then, the shredding was a new thing and it just started to explode, so almost anyone with great technique had his/her 5 minutes under the spotlight. Of course, the most talented (Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen...) wrote awesome songs to go with their playing, but the less popular guitarists still made the names for themselves (Michael Angelo). Also, that was the era of the first heavy metal guitar playing instruction books and videos (Troy Stetina anyone? ;) ).

That all leads me to conclusion that the shredding pioneers inspired lots of (then) kids to follow their footsteps (Petrucci, Romeo...) and play in that vein. But now they weren't the pioneers, but students of various techniques that were developed before them, so it sort of made it easier for them to grasp what was going on...

Where's all this rambling of mine leading to? :)
I want to say that there so many technically advanced players nowadays, and it's nothing astonishing to hear someone playing like that like it was in the 80s. In such a large number of shredders it's really hard to stick out, as opposed to 80s, when there were relatively few who really shredded.
Lots of things were new back then which are so familiar today, there's hardly anything left to discover...

Man, I wish I could've witnessed all that... :erk:
Indeed the art of soloing with passion is getting lost in many bands. As a matter of fact I was abit dissapointing by the lack of better solos in the last Iommi/Hughes album.

Nevertheless, you still find nice stuff. Right now comes to my mind:

Cryonic Temple - "In Thy Power"
Bruce Dickinson - "Tyranny Of Souls"
Stimulans - "No Words"
The most recent band I heard which I found had mindblowing guitar solos was Dragonforce.

Herman Li can shred like a motherfucker
I think a better question to ask is, are you referring to mainstream/commercial releases or stuff not mainstream ala Nevermore, Jag Panzer, etc. etc.

There's a lot of soloing going on, problem is this music isn't mainstream like it was back in the day so it doesn't get spotlighted like it did then.
Indeed Deron. I would say that with the release of the new Nevermore and Arch Enemy albums the guitar solo is making a comeback! Listent to the new Redemption record as well. I am hoping these albums will inspire a generation of new guitarists!

And YEA Droog!! JEFF LOOMIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hawk said:
:cry: Of course you are right. Smyth shreds just as hard as Loomis does!!

Well I know he's the newbie in the band, but his past work (With Viscious Rumours and Testament) should speak for themselves. for those wondering why I'm always touting Smyth, he's a longtime friend of mine and just the nicest guy you'll ever meet! I've watched him since he was 17 and it makes me proud to know he's becoming more and more successful with each and every year! I think he may have found a home with Nevermore! :headbang:
Indeed he has. Every interview I read with Warrel and Jeff they say that they are glad to have him aboard! And he wrote a few kick ass songs as well!
#1_Droogie said:
ahhh my mistake, please, forgive me :oops:

ahhhhhhhhhh but of course

Don't miss GIGANTOUR...road trip if you must...but duuuude $15 cd and you get to meet Mr. Mustaine, can't go wrong no how no way! :headbang: :headbang: and you get a shitload of solos's :hotjump:
MetalAges said:
I think a better question to ask is, are you referring to mainstream/commercial releases or stuff not mainstream ala Nevermore, Jag Panzer, etc. etc.

There's a lot of soloing going on, problem is this music isn't mainstream like it was back in the day so it doesn't get spotlighted like it did then.

Ummm.... Deron I listen to quite a bit of Prog. I hear some technical wizardry, but I don't hear the combination of wizadry and heart I used to hear.

I liked the late 90's power metal scene and their melodic solos, not really actually shredding though. People are discovering new music styles nowadays. In the spanish channels I see all of this "raggaeton" music I think it is from purto rico, or something, and I don't like it, but it is kind of nice to see them discovering this and in a few years just the hardcore fans will remember it but it will feel kind of redundant.

What I am trying to say is once discovered it is hard to make it big again. But since underground metal was never discovered by the huge mainstream crowd it is time to unleash it. However any music has potential to bounce back up depending on the skill and heart of it's generation. Did that make sense?
Bryant said:
Ummm.... Deron I listen to quite a bit of Prog. I hear some technical wizardry, but I don't hear the combination of wizadry and heart I used to hear.


One guy in the Prog Field Wolfgang from Dreamscape he is Techniclly proficient but there is ALOT of heart in it too! in all the instraments really but his Guitar playing is Emotional and Mind Blowing :D ... but I do understand what you are Saying dude ... I have been trying to hammer the idea of playing from the heart to this kid I play guitars with from time to time ... I cant stand playing with him because he has NO Heart at all he can play but there is no feeling to it
Bryant said:
Ummm.... Deron I listen to quite a bit of Prog. I hear some technical wizardry, but I don't hear the combination of wizadry and heart I used to hear.

Maybe not as technical as it can get, but...
EVERGREY folks!!! :worship:
Some very very tasteful playing and soloing going on there!
Apart from great songs...
kittybeast said:
ahhhhhhhhhh but of course

Don't miss GIGANTOUR...road trip if you must...but duuuude $15 cd and you get to meet Mr. Mustaine, can't go wrong no how no way! :headbang: :headbang: and you get a shitload of solos's :hotjump:
I know, I want to go SO BAD!!!
But, I fear that I might not be able to go....seeing as I dont have a ride :erk:
but I'm going to do everything in my power to try and get there :hotjump:
Sometimes no solos is still better than wankery though... but that's another debate :D

One guy in the Prog Field Wolfgang from Dreamscape he is Techniclly proficient but there is ALOT of heart in it too!
Agreed JD, this guy doesn't fall in the trap of wankery and has a classy guitar sound to boot, something I miss in a lot of DT-like bands.