Are humans inherently evil?

Words need more words.
Truth can only be found by looking within yourself in silence.

Words never fix anything, humans have been trying for so long, and some even believe in "progress", yet things keep getting better all the time, all the time, somehow without improving.

People always bring morals, rape and nazis into discussions such as these.
The holy scarecrows.

Consider this.
All our forefathers were rapists at some time or other. It makes good sense in a human gene pool to rape a woman, since it increases your chances of spreading your genes.

All nations had this. Rape and pillage is the nature of the game.

This kind of scary thinking I think is a logical outworking of a Darwinist worldview. The only thing one gets left to their own devices is worse and more darkness, classic case in point being your writings.

As for nazis being inherently evil- how are their actions different from what the US did in IRAQ, killing all those children?
The labels change, the actions stay the same.

Were all evil, corrupted by evil, the question is whether we will seek God/the light to help us not be overcome with evil, but to be forgiven, and changed from within as its been shown time and time again, when we depart from a Biblical worldview you find the most horrendously evil nazi germany w Hitler, Stalin, Paul pot etc. What they did was consistent with Darwinist Atheist philosophy, but is completely antithetical to a Theistic, or Christian Theist worldview. There's no reason to counter a nations evil if there is not a standard that exists transcendentally beyond a nation. The Nouremberg trials I think were a good example of showing how the only way you can argue against a nations evil would be to appeal to a transcendent standard beyond the nations.

On the other hand, look at all the "good" that people do.
Good and evil, the nature of the game.

I agree men are able to do good and evil, the debate I think is more so is morality objective, yes or no, and what does that imply especially in regards to God.

In the end, no good without bad, one feeds the other, and both are just traps for us humans.
Don't believe words, don't believe lies.
Words never fix anything.

I don't agree. While what is NOT good, evil, is dependent on good, much like rot to a tree, or rust to a car, the good is NOT dependent on evil. A car doesnt require rust, but rust DOES require and is dependent on the substance of a car/metal. And how is doing good a trap or a bad thing? If I;m not to believe words am I to not believe what you just said when you said I shouldnt believe words? If Im to reject your claim, then it seems youre saying we should believe some words. So whether I accept or reject what youre saying either way I must reject what youre saying. While words alone apart from action sometimes don't fix anything, kind, loving, truthful words can and do help. They can even save. Nihilism and fatalism on the other hand have never helped anyone.
What is evasive? Is there anything else you can add to the discussion? Whatever it is you think is wrong in it in particular?

Evasive of the vast differences between WWII and the skirmish in Iraq, any aware and logical person should not need to have those differences spelled out for them, a clear case of having the blinders on.

Evasive of the natural courtship and/or mating rituals in nature, which we are part of. The entire post was evasive of reality and excusive of poor thoughtless behavior of a minute percentage of the population, that happen to be solely self indulgent wack jobs. Its "natural" to rape someone... so everybody hop on board to ensure preservation of your wacked gene pool... give me a break... so whats this rapist do, stalk its prey, determine the window in a womans cycle in which to rape her in order to impregnate her or do it every two days until.... knocked up. Sorry I dont think man evolved that way.
Well, lmao, you guys might be inherently evil, but I strive to do what's right and would definately sacrifice myself for something more valuable. And I wouldn't deliberately cause pain unless someone deserved it or if it was in the sense 'You have to be cruel to be kind'. I'm too conscientious for that. Just hearing about the women and children recently massacred by the Israeli's in Gaza makes me :( ...

I know a lot of people are inherently selfish or insane these days..