Are manufactured pop bands killing real music?


New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2005
This question is one i have to do for school, so it would be much appreciated if you gave long lengthy answers i which i will be able to use in my answer. By real music i mean bands that write their own stuff, formed via thier love for music, or something along those lines... not formed because some producer wants to make a bundle on 'the next big thing'.
Offcorse its killing the mainstream music. Its become formula pop, that doesnt have any character or originallity. Mtv is to blame for this.
I think they are. I hate seeing some fag in gold chains and in baggy clothes with no musical ability, ryming about raping his mother, and robbing the local dollar store in a monotone voice. its just gay. the root word of crap is rap.
There has been manfuctured/pop music for probably 30 years. Pop music will always been around. Though there is shit music it does not effect anything. People will make whatever music they want to make.

If you're into metal or underground, MTV,etc.. does not pertain to you or any serious artists in the world. Everything is in place and will be. Only people that want to make a quick dollar will actually give a shit about what's on radio waves... or just just have people that naturally make music that will make the radio. I don't know. Maybe say Madonna really likes making pop music,etc...

Someone like say ashlee simpson is obviously purely marking technique.

It's hard to say what causes people to make certain music. There is probably more things than simply instruments as influence. I do not exactly think certain music is killing music as an entire world population.

Rap music is by far the worst music imo.
That's like asking if shows like "The Apprentice" or Survivor" are putting real actors and actresses out of work. And that answer is yes. You've got some ass-clown glowing in their 15 minutes of fame.....only to return to their normal life when people's attention span moves on to something else. And nowadays, that's pretty fast. As David Lee Roth used to say....."here today, gone later today." He was right.....but that's our society today. Made up of vid clips and sound-bites.....because most people have the attention span of a goldfish. And that's our music industry, too. Especially in North America.....where we're forced fed all this bullshit by the record companies and the whore radio stations.

I some times use forums to do it as well. Cheating is the only way forward in life. I think it is in ways because it getting harder and harder for the great real bands of what ever genre to make it. All you hear now is some manufactured drivel made to sell not made for the music.
yes. unlike cheap manufactured corporate rock (my cheical romance, fallout boy), true visionaries such as edguy, dragonforce, and limbonic art toil away in unknown anonymity despite the purity of their vision and the elegence of their craft...
If you take it from the perspective of an artist - no. Manufactured pop-bands were never going to produce anything worthwhile anyway (i.e. they are not musicians in their own right). So it's not as if a record company signing a bunch of hair-gel'd, metrosexual trend-whores wearing white shoes, has killed any artistic integrity.

As far as it ruining "real" music by taking all the play time, I think it could be doing the opposite. Artistic integrity is most likely often saved by a lack of money being thrown at a band.
Well I blame the Nu-metal for the destruction of the great metal scene. All thoes rap vocals and BAD guitar are true insult's to real headbangers. DIE SLIPKNOT DIE!!!!!! (and Korn):hotjump:
Music, like any art form, has fallen victim to commercialization. Thanks to pop culture, real musicians, actors, authors, painters, sculpters, and all other forms of artist a forced to live in the shadows, completely unsung and unrecognized. The sad fact of the matter is, modern society is all about convience, and actually learning to appreciate and understand an artform is inconvient. Fortunately, there is that significant minority that wishes to challenge their intellect, and hopefully this minority will never be killed off by the monstrosity of pop-culture.
Yes and no. I think that the art of profiting off of music is killing music. I have difficulty digesting the concept of someone sustaining a life off of their art. Music and capitalism don't mix.
Killbot_Mk.2 said:
Well I blame the Nu-metal for the destruction of the great metal scene. All thoes rap vocals and BAD guitar are true insult's to real headbangers. DIE SLIPKNOT DIE!!!!!! (and Korn):hotjump:

I agree, its true, fuck the pop bands, its mainstream metal bands that are killing the real metal music... and also so many people getting into cradle of filth and thinking they are black metal is turning the black metal scene into a cult for little "HIM" fans, this is what will kill all things satanic and black in the world :(

we needs more newish bands like 1349 and blodsrit :headbang:
Nu-metal destroyed a lot of the metal scene. It started all the cross-over bullshit we have now, metalcore, metalcore/hardcore... Fuck... With some bands, you can't even tell the difference between the two anymore!