Are NILE worth investing time in?


New Metal Member
Feb 21, 2002
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I've heard so many great things about this band that I feel compelled to purchase the new cd. But, I've also seen a few reviews of Nile that claim that they really only incorporate a few "Egyptian intros", but the music is just dull.

Can anyone HONESTLY describe their music? Is it pure death, in the early 90s style? I hope not - I never could get into those bands.

Or, is it adventerous "modern death" that pushes the envelope? Is it closer in feel (if not musically) to Zyklon, Opeth, or Emperor, or not??!?!?

someone help....please!!!
its nothing like emperor, opeth or zyklon. Its extremly brutal death metal. they do only incorperate a few egyptian type things. the rest is just brutal death metal like cannibal corpse but twice as brutal and faster. if you ask me i think it gets pretty boring and fast but i still like them a bit. still got my BSOV shirt in my drawer.
They are worth investing in. They are brutal. They are fast.

I only have BSOV...I can see how people find it boring I suppose...but it is awesome. :)
I have all three of their full lengths. They get better with each album. Start with either BSOV or ITDS
YES. highly technical, comparatively 'epic' death metal, with symphonic elements (mostly ancient egyptian and sumerian instruments), a lyrical basis on ACTUAL ancient egyptian history and texts, is what you can expect if you invest your time in Nile.

ok how did ted nugent get a hold of the new ISIS already?
They're one of the few br00tal bands I can stand. In Their Darkened Shrines is such a rocking album. The riffs have a very egyptian feel, and some of the solos really do. It is very br00tal though. A lot of the songs are constant blast beats.

I just got the new one this afternoon and therefore can't say a lot about it yet, but BSOV is a milestone in the Death Metal genre. Exorbitantly brutal Death Metal, blazing blastbeats with ultra slow and heavy parts and magickal Egyptian atmosphere. The Egyptian sounds/samples and concept make them unique and it adds great atmosphere to the material.

If you download a few tracks, try Masturbating The War God, it captures every aspect of Nile, blazing speed, crushing heaviness and haunting atmosphere.

Like someone else said on this thread, I'm not usually into brutal Death Metal, but Nile own me, they're unique and just plain awesome.

Investment in them is mandatory!!!
Nile have been described pretty accurately on this thread. They are incredibly heavy and brutal, but incorporate many egyptian themes into their music. I bought the new album over a week ago, and it is fantastic. The music is clearer than "Black Seeds..." or "Catacombs" and therefore you can hear the riffs more clearly. In fact, you can hear everything more clearly. I have to say though, "Black Seeds..." is my favourite Nile album. It has so much power, speed and may want to brace yourself before you listen to it.

I recomend you try "Black Seeds of Vengeance".
I think Nile is horrid. I can't see why they get all the credit they do. They don't deserve it.

Each song is just a mission to see how fast the drums can play blast beats. The music isn't "technical"...I would know, being a guitarist for a long time. It gets VERY boring, very fast. Some riffs and grooves are good, but there aren't enough moments like that. It's a shame..."brutal death" bands don't have a clue.
I have thought about getting their new album as well - usually I'm not really a fan of Death Metal, but that's partly due to bands like Cannibal Corpse & co. which have, in my opinion, quite stupid texts, an uninspired concept and self-copying music. Since Nile currently seems to be among the reference bands in Death Metal and I like the Egyptian concept, I think if I'm gonna buy a Death Metal album anytime soon it will be Nile's new one...
And I don't give a shit if they're "technical" or not, I'm not a musician, nor do I buy a cd to admire the guitar player's skills.
In Their Darkened Shrines is an amazing album, try downloading 'The Blessed Dead'

Other than that, my fav Nile track is RAMSES...

...BRINGER OF WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like 'em. Saw 'em with Arch Enemy a month ago [though, not their whole set]. Their new album is worth picking up, as is Black Seeds, if simply for To Dream of Ur. That song is sick.

NP: Katatonia - Last Fair Deal Gone Down - [10] - Sweet Nurse
You can certainly tell that Nile are influenced by Ancient Egypt, even without looking at the lyrics. The music, although Death Metal, has a massive Egyptian feel to it. I mean the solos sound like they were imported from Egypt. Its all very interesting and original. Nile have brought something new into the world of Death Metal, and personally I think they deserve the success they have had.