i don't think anybody would dispute the fact that something of this magnitude should not be rushed. but, as egan has pointed out - when's the last time ANYBODY in Washington made a serious effort to overhaul this extremely ailing system?
i learned recently that health care costs are quickly becoming the #1 reason for backruptcy in the middle class. the "middle class", not the poor. that's pretty serious considering the middle class is what fuels the economy of this country. i'm middle class and thought about it for awhile. if there's anything that would take me down financially, fast, it'd be unexpected healthcare costs. god forbid i'd get some serious disease or someone in my family needed long-term, intensive care. i'd be seriously screwed. why? because i don't work for a huge corporation providing an affordable, comprehensive health plan. i own my own small business and have to have private insurance to cover my family. and of that, i can only afford catasrophic health insurance. it's amazingly high, in turn for just about nothing - and goes up about $100 every year. the other issue is there are tons of loop-holes strategically placed throughout the policy to prevent the insurance company from ever having to pay too much - EVEN IN A CATASROPHIC SITUATION.
the economy sucks right now, but there is promise on the horizon. having said that, though - there are a lot of people that are really struggling finanically and health care costs are a big part of it. nothing that comes out of Washington is ever right 100%, right out of the gate - whether they spent 2yrs or 2 weeks on it. i say the situation warrants immediate attention and whatever they can do to "start" the ball rolling is a good thing. i applaud Obama for taking it on. he could have been like his predecessor and just ignored the whole thing even though everybody knows it's the big white elephant looming about the room.