Are Relapse Records and Unique Leader related?


Nov 6, 2002
Or is it just that they have similar bands? I like some bands on Relapse like Cephalic Carnage, Dying Fetus, Mastodon, Neurosis etc
similar bands?
the difference its that relapse has excelent bands like

Cephalic Carnage
Pig Destroyer
Burnt By the Sun

while UL has only some descent bands
Demiurge said:
go listen to some generic blastcore album and rim your daddy's asshole like a good little fag.
Uh oh, the frustrated twat who listens to gay death and black metal bands has spoken again.
Naggamanteh said:
Uh oh, the frustrated twat who listens to gay death and black metal bands has spoken again.

you listen to devourment, you br00tal asshamster. therefore, you don't get to criticize my tastes. well that and as even those who dislike recall from our last "debate", you're fucking stupid.

To those with IQs above 65(niggermentor, here is a ball, go play with it), don't get your panties in a knot or burst into tears when someone criticizes something you like. doing so indicates that your personal identity is defined by your musical preferences, meaning, you are a TOOL.
Demiurge said:
you listen to devourment, you br00tal asshamster. therefore, you don't get to criticize my tastes. well that and as even those who dislike recall from our last "debate", you're fucking stupid.
Why don't you write about yourself instead? You know fuck all about what I do or what I listen to and how often.

Does your father beat you?
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
Still you're just as stupid, man, face it.

not exactly, when people criticize something I like i don't say "you listen to band/genre X! hahaha, you're so gay!" also, if you want, go read the discussion I had with niggermentor about something(can't remember, race i think), he's so idiotic that it boggles the mind.

you are pretty stupid, but you've got a ways to go to equal your retarded butt-buddy of b000tality.
ShroudOfDusk said:
I'm not sure if you're qualified to say that about anyone else...

you'll find that when I insult people it's usually because they've said something outlandishly stupid, as opposed to stating a thought I disagree with.
Demiurge said:
not exactly, when people criticize something I like i don't say "you listen to band/genre X! hahaha, you're so gay!" also, if you want, go read the discussion I had with niggermentor about something(can't remember, race i think), he's so idiotic that it boggles the mind.

you are pretty stupid, but you've got a ways to go to equal your retarded butt-buddy of b000tality.
Aww, you're still hurt because people won't discuss boring topics originating from paranoid theories and based on idiotic premises of your wallnut-sized brain (ancestors=race) with you.

I ask again: Does your father beat you? Or do you get your butt kicked by somebody else? Tell us, it will be 10 times more interesting than the excrements you like to spew about so much.
I knew the split second that I saw the title of this thread, that someone like GoD would post the retarded (yeah, they're both shit!) comment, and that hellfire flames would ensue, bah.

I think they're both great labels, though I much prefer UL....and as said, they do both unfortunately have a lot of crap intermingled with the good stuff.
SculptedCold said:
I knew the split second that I saw the title of this thread, that someone like GoD would post the retarded (yeah, they're both shit!) comment, and that hellfire flames would ensue, bah.

right, because fans of these labels are reduced to snivelling, whiny shells of their big bad br00thurl selves when their holy grail is attacked. boo hoo, you fucking pansies.