Are Relapse Records and Unique Leader related?

Going back to the original discussion, no. Unique Leader and Relapse are not related at all.I also fail to see how they're that similar. Sure, they both sign bands who pay the bills by blasting, but I think Relapse tend to be a bit more adventurous in who they take on board their roster i.e. Dysrhythmia, Neurosis
Demiurge said:
right, because fans of these labels are reduced to snivelling, whiny shells of their big bad br00thurl selves when their holy grail is attacked. boo hoo, you fucking pansies.


Demiurge0you are pretty stupid said:
Here goes someone judging me by my username and avatar, again, I see.
Demiurge said:
you listen to devourment, you br00tal asshamster. therefore, you don't get to criticize my tastes. well that and as even those who dislike recall from our last "debate", you're fucking stupid.

To those with IQs above 65(niggermentor, here is a ball, go play with it), don't get your panties in a knot or burst into tears when someone criticizes something you like. doing so indicates that your personal identity is defined by your musical preferences, meaning, you are a TOOL.

I think its funny that you think you're a fucking genius when you listen to 8 minutes long songs with 3 chords and sloppy drumming

shut up faggot
I don't find that the bands on both labels are all that similar. Unique Leader signs almost exclusively brutal death bands. Relapse has some brutal death, but also some more experimental extreme metal bands and a shitload of metalcore bands. I think that the bands on Relapse are generally more populist. I personally like some bands from each label.
OK, really...seriously, this flaming has to stop. It's absolutely retarded. Not even an elitist could involve themselves and maintain any shred of credibility. So stop it already you silly-billies.
Life Sucks said:
I don't find that the bands on both labels are all that similar. Unique Leader signs almost exclusively brutal death bands. Relapse has some brutal death, but also some more experimental extreme metal bands and a shitload of metalcore bands. I think that the bands on Relapse are generally more populist. I personally like some bands from each label.
Relapse? Populist? They're not Roadrunner.

I prefer Relapse to Unique Leader anyday.