Are there any decent live Skyfire Vids anywhere on the internet?

SKYFIRE MAN!! there better than COB..thats just the way it is,if Children of bodom invented this genre then Skyfire masterd the art :heh :heh:,ill tell ya what tho Skyfire are what norther where trying to do period, i hope these guys make a come back very SOON!!
ONE THING I CANT STAND IS EUROPEAN BANDS TRYING TO DO PANTERA:u-huh: ,"HINT HINT COB" IT JUST DONT SOUND RIGHT,THE PANTERA BLUEPRINT BELONGS DOWN THERE IN THE DIRTY SOUTH:kickass:,I wonder what Skyfire's new album will sound like,if it ever comes out!!:goggly: ,DAM YOU ARISE!!DAM YOU!!:mad: ,JAMES HETFIELD once said that a truly great band will find there style/sound by there 3rd if skyfire will take the SPECTRAL sound over the edge and beyond i cant wait:rock: by the way wintersun's next albums coming out soon.should be good :rock: AIIIIIIRRROOOOOOSMIIIIIIIIITH HAHAHA
:rock:cob tries to be an american band with their guitar based metal, whereas skyfire uses all instruments to their fullest ability