Are these monitors or not?


Aug 12, 2003
I was recently given a set of speakers from a friend cleaning out old stuff from his garage. I was planning on using em to set up a small entertainment system(they're fairly good size cabinets- the type you would see in someones living room) but when I took the foam covers off I noticed under the brand name "studio monitor."

The brand name was "acoustic" and I right under that it says "studio monitors series-" and then 33 something. I think it was 3311, but I don't remember now. Anyway, they're at our vacation home at the moment but I was just wondering if this rings a bell to anyone. Would these be suitable for mixing or should I just use them for an entertainment system like I was planning? I'll try to find some pictures or something, or else take some later.
HELL NO those are evil. They are sold out of the back of vans as a scam, perpetrated by random "bros" who say "bro" a lot and act like your friends. They try to tell you that the speakers are "extras" unaccounted for in their bosses' store inventory log, and that you are getting them at a deep discount.

How do I know? A few years ago, I bought a pair, as did a friend of mine (back when both of us were far stupider.) We both discovered that our speakers sucked ass and we tried to sell them. No dice, nobody wants these pieces of crap. I gave mine away, so did he. :tickled:
The best story I can share about finding speakers that could be used as studio monitors was when I found a pair of Auratone 5CSSC's in my storage area in my basement...haha


but they are pretty useful.

oh, btw, didn't Acoustic make bass amps in the 70s?
hahaha WOW! Man, I'm gonna have to ask Cesar if he bought those from a "white van."

At least they'll be ok for just listening in the living room or something. Thanks guys, I'm sure you saved me a good many hours of wasted mixing :p