are they really this good?

haha Gaz, yeah Knarfi was right, not yet, i need the time to go get it done, been workin flat out like a whore on a busy street corner in Stockholm. I'll send ya a pic over when its done man! hopefully in the next couple of weeks!

Fuck yeah! \m/
The new album is the shit!!! It blew my mind when I first heard it!
and let me tell you poor motherfuckers that haven't been able to see them live yet... THEY RULE!!!!!! I saw them when they played on Graspop this summer, and damit what an awesome live band!!!!!!!
I just downloaded "cry of the blackbirds" by amon amarth and all i have to say is that :OMG: FUCKING AMAZING. So is amon amarth really this good of a band??

They're awesome, just buy all the Amon Amarth stuff you can afford withouy starving yourself or missing the rent, so you can answer your own question. :rock:
haha Gaz, yeah Knarfi was right, not yet, i need the time to go get it done, been workin flat out like a whore on a busy street corner in Stockholm. I'll send ya a pic over when its done man! hopefully in the next couple of weeks!

Fuck yeah! \m/

nice work bro. i've been working flat out since i finished exams. i've got 4 weeks off uni thank fuck. studying law is such a bitch. takes up all ya time!
I just downloaded "cry of the blackbirds" by amon amarth and all i have to say is that :OMG: FUCKING AMAZING. So is amon amarth really this good of a band??
Since you downloaded their stuff, you can frankly fuck off. I have legally bough all my Amon Amarth stuff, and I've gotta say, they blow me away no matter what album I listen to. All I have got left to buy is "The Crusher" and "Once Sent from the Golden hall"