Are you a racist person ?

Are u racist one way or another ?

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the difference is though, marginal was aiming his poll at mates on the forum, because he was drinking beer at that time. so it was kind of a conversational topic with a bit of humour in there to boot.
yours is either jumping on the band wagon of the previous threads about this, trying to draw attention to yourself, or, trying to stir a bit of shit, which you seem to do a bit of, once again drawing attention to yourself.
all in all id say marginales thread is less stupid than this one, despite the subject matter.
I'm no attention seeker FFS, I do abhor attention seekers... And I abhor people who think they're kings on that forum also... On the other hand, I admit I like to create drama, stir a bit of shit as you said. But wait, did you read my nickname actually ? :tickled: