are you a warrior?

This isn't at all funny, it's just too painful for words...

I've seen junkies less in need of their heroin than this woman and her imaginary friend. I couldn't even watch past 2:20 and by that time I had heard the (paraphrasing)
"I needed your prayers"
"I was praying for you!"
"...(louder) I needed your prayers!"

and by that point I just had to kill it. First, she's bothered by this simply because she's afraid of herself being compromised, out of fear for her own salvation and not out of anything that appeared to pass through the faculty of reason. Second, the polarization of 'dark-sided' by anyone but Yoda just comes down to Brainwashing 101. Third, knowing a large number of people like this, and routinely dealing with them as an atheist (read: worst thing that's happened to America and personally responsible for everything from communism to her unwed niece's pregnancy), makes it hard to brush this off as 'entertainment'. Fourth, the thought of these people voting (and procreating) makes it simply astounding that there is a single ounce of sanity left in society - for those that didn't know, I'm in Texas for a few more years, and for those unacquainted with Texas, there are a few liberal/progressive havens but the state as a whole is Bible Belt and then some (and, just for good measure - think of the stereotypical Texan, and yes, they're everywhere, and think of the size of his belt/belt buckle... yeah, this is no wimpy dress belt kind of Bible Belt, this is full-on six-inch-thick doubles-as-tire-retread serious fucking belt kind of Bible Belt) and 'houses of worship' are never more than two or three blocks away from each other (there are three large churches between my house and the nearest grocery store, and the grocery store is mere minutes away... and I'm in 'the city').

I won't throw out that 'no offense' disclaimer - if you're this kind of Christian, you're fucking looney. End of discussion. I'm not attacking Christians especially - I don't care if you're going off like this over Christianity or Islam or Hinduism or cheese crackers or any other such rubbish - go into this kind of frenzy without once offering any actual analysis of the situation and I have no choice but to say that you're either (1), mentally deficient and in need of proper education, conditioning, and some sort of developmental guidance, or (2)...







If you are similarly persuaded but not afflicted with this inability to function - read: so-called 'normal' or 'mainstream' Christian/Muslim/Hindu/Cheese Cracker Devotee/Other Such Rubbish-ite - please do the rest of the world a favor and end this bullshit. I don't care how it's done - talk some sense into them, smack some sense into them, send them off to Bible Camp in Guyana with some 'special' FlaVor-Aid, whatever - please, whoever you may be, put us out of their misery. This is the kind of thing that could make me believe in creationism just so it would mean I didn't come from the same monkeys as that fuck. Next time "Christian Compassion" is said, it is not to mean "spreading the Lord's word through good deeds", it is to mean "hiding these crazy bastards because they're making their religion, as well as humanity as a whole, look like asses". I cannot see how people of that temperament can be excused from full-blown insanity because it's their religious belief - I'm obsessive-compulsive, schizotypal, and bordering on psychopathic, but I can't get away with having an 'episode' in public because I was screaming about the pandas instead of Jesus and 'the dark ones'? Bullshit! I'll say one thing on behalf of the entire insane-proper community - I'm not taking my fucking meds until these wackos get theirs. Period.

1st of all, i'm not christian at all
2nd of all i added the no offence disclaimer, because some christians aren't proud with it, so i don't want to offend them by showing how stupid some of them are (and i'm not bashing them, cause my mother is christian, but not like that, she is a normal person believing that there is a god up there).
And it is disturbing to watch. It is very sad, some people have been brainwashed like that. I think that lady was traumatized by a preacher during her childhood, beacuse no sane person can go like that, unless she did for the camera, to get attention.
And fanatics disturb me, any kind of fanatics, christian/muslim/opeth fans/cob fans/nevermore fans/whatever. Furthermore, by saying that she needed prayers, she violated the christian dogma. She violated actually the 10 commandments quite a few times without realizing. One commandment is like: not use god's name in vain or something like that, and she used the word god and jesus with that purpose in vain quite a few times, just to prove a point. that is not very christian, if she would have bothered to pay attention to the bible (which i read as a book, not as religion, to inform myself about religion).
it is sad and funny to some extent
wow, if that was for real...then i would tell that lady to use here "spirtual god jesus/god power: and go to the dentist.

put down the bible, pick up the latest book on "The Atkins Diet"

Put down the Crucifix, along with the fork...
I wasn't bashing you - I never warn people about being offended because the kind of problems we have here are things that people are going to be offended over, and that they'll have to be offended over, and I'll take being an asshole over being 'tactful' and indistinct any day. And when I say this kind of thing is fucked, I'm not poking fun at it - I mean it's fucked. That's what I was saying.

I've met a lot of people whose parents weren't that off in the head and who later went to that level of insanity, I wouldn't say that she was traumatized but I do know at the very least that when she was coming to her current belief system there was some odd stuff going on. She did violate the Ten Strong Suggestions That Can Of Course Be Ignored In Chri$t's Name But Otherwise Are So Important That Our Schools And Courts Must Have Them On Every Wall, if going by the typical and better-known set, but the ones you never hear about ( Ex 34:10-28 ) are even more fun and I'd bet the first-born of all of my livestock that she wouldn't know what to think if you reminded her not to seethe a goat in its mother's milk. I love how everyone ignores all of that in the Lord's name, as well as the warning against testing 'Him' and the whole 'judge not...' bit.

On a personal note, I was raised Catholic... and then I read the Bible - bye-bye Jesus. What's happening here, and more Christians than not, is that people are using it as superiority in and of itself and not as superiority by merit. I'd love to see her actually explain the history of her holy text, as well as the contents and some sane interpretation, just to see if she's been given anything but the 'righteous indignation' bit. I'd love to find this funny, but it's like small children pissing in inopportune situations - yeah, maybe it makes it onto America's Funniest Home Videos, and makes a cute story or two... the first time. But when nobody around you is potty trained and you hate the smell of urine, it loses its charm.

And yes, he who slaps livers, it is time for a diet and some chomper care, but this seems like the type that would wait for God to do it if it was 'His' will, so you might be better off slipping some ephedra in her lamb chops. Fasting for forty days in the desert might be better, upon further consideration... unless she makes it, in which case it's time for a better desert.

Holy Cow! I feel really bad for that little girl, and the rest of the family!

I actually saw that episode, I dont remember them actually
showing that though. They did show her in a Radio Station interview. She
freaked out on air when they brought in a psychic as sort of a debate!

Did you see that that camera person scared as hell when she said 'get out!'?

That was hilarious!

I dont think starting a theological debate over this is even sensible. She
is obviously paranoid schizo and needs serious help.
hey liverslapper i noticed that you play CS:source, what servers do you play on, cause i think i'm gonna pick up cs again, aothough i suck, but meh....
now i'm gonna be a true christian warrior at cs:lol:
I own and run a clan server .:}{{:. Clan

you can go to

me and .:}{{:.Ender run it, the IP for the server is on the site, if you use xfire its much easier cause you can just save the servers you go to on it.

my user name is Liverslapper on Xfire

and on CCS my name is .:}{{:.Uber Pancake

I also play the Professional Cal Leagues as well.
What came to my mind by watching this:

1.: Now I understand why God should´ve made the Flood.

2.: Loki laughs at her.

3.: Poor kids.

4.: Man, is she fat! :lol:
I come from a Catholic household. But I was lucky. We weren't Uber-Chritians like these folks. My family believes in God, but they don't scream his name when things go wrong. I only have to sit through church twice a year, for Christmas and Easter, for my Mom's sake, so I do cause it makes her happy. My parents didn't mis-use the Bible, they used in the way I feel it's meant to be used, as a book of stories that simply teach you morals and how to be a good person. Because you can't take that stuff literally. Its just there to help show the diffrence between right and wrong.
Um, BBQBats... have you actually read the book? Perhaps the part where YHWH orders his followers to kill indiscriminately, where raping a woman and paying her father for her earns you a wife, where you're supposed to be joyful about dashing babies' heads out on rocks... the parts that have supported torture in the name of a loving deity, the witch trials, inhumane treatment of just about anything that isn't like you... fuck, any of it?

REAL good people to trust when it comes to right and wrong, the guys that brought us the Inquisitions, the Crusades, the fight against science and humanism, and theological arguments for every reprehensible social problem that we today pride ourselves over having defeated (like slavery and subjugation of 'inferior' races, institutional bigotry, intolerance to the level of murder...). If you think you can find something good in that book, I can find you somewhere else that said - and did it - better long before. If you think you can find something more morally reprehensible and disgusting that's been used to create so much of the foundation of a culture as Christianity has for Europe and America... well, good fucking luck.

Liverslapper said:
wow, if that was for real...then i would tell that lady to use here "spirtual god jesus/god power: and go to the dentist.

put down the bible, pick up the latest book on "The Atkins Diet"

Put down the Crucifix, along with the fork...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
JBroll said:
Um, BBQBats... have you actually read the book? Perhaps the part where YHWH orders his followers to kill indiscriminately, where raping a woman and paying her father for her earns you a wife, where you're supposed to be joyful about dashing babies' heads out on rocks... the parts that have supported torture in the name of a loving deity, the witch trials, inhumane treatment of just about anything that isn't like you... fuck, any of it?

REAL good people to trust when it comes to right and wrong, the guys that brought us the Inquisitions, the Crusades, the fight against science and humanism, and theological arguments for every reprehensible social problem that we today pride ourselves over having defeated (like slavery and subjugation of 'inferior' races, institutional bigotry, intolerance to the level of murder...). If you think you can find something good in that book, I can find you somewhere else that said - and did it - better long before. If you think you can find something more morally reprehensible and disgusting that's been used to create so much of the foundation of a culture as Christianity has for Europe and America... well, good fucking luck.

I have read the book and I'm not saying everything in there is right nor am I saying the Christian church is a symbol of rightousnous. Of course the Inquistions were wrong, of course the crusades were a senseless blood bath. i by no means support the church. What I am saying is that there is a way to use the Bible, not the church, as a tool for moral upbringing. I do not doubt that you can find writings that are older or say it better, I was sharing how I was brought up a Catholic, was forced into catholic school for eight years, and still ended up an atheist and still have my own thoughts and opinions. However, there are lessons to be learned from that book.
i was raised a christain. spoon-fed that crap for so long, was comfered by the church and took classes for 2 years there...

im wickan now, i don't get to involved in relgion anymore though, i just don't have the time.
BBQBats, there may be lessons learned from parts of that filth but as I've said elsewhere I can make you a religion from Dr. Seuss with all the 'right' points and not have to worry once about fanatics being able to justify murder with it - I'm all for more people reading the book, as it's the best way I've found of making atheists out of Christians (worked wonders for me, I was raised Catholic as well), and learning morality from holy texts is like eating the corn and nuts out of people's shit.

It is hilarious how the topic of Jesus and the Bible brings out the absolute worst in 'atheists'. The hatred that I have seen towards Christians is

I agree this lady is whacked, but....

Why do 'atheists' feel so threatened by Christianity?

If you've eaten corn and nuts out of somebody's crap than you have some serious issues!:lol: :lol: