Are you caged?

DragonLady1 said:
d) it happened at festivals that I had some breakfast beers, does it count :grin:
That's a total must actually. Id even go as far as to say that there is something seriously wrong with everyone who doesnt do it at least every second morning on a festival :grin:
And nothing wakes you up the way Admiral Pils does, anyway




/E Btw: Im living with the guy in the middle, lol.
@r2: hey thanks, that's very interesting. :)
Hm, yeah, now that you mention it there are quite a few engineers that i've noticed of, but i haven't really seen any other med students (except maybe one, but i don't remember).

@Rusty: :lol: @ you being Al.

@fulminatrix_XII: indicatively, for the CAGE test: a positive answer to at least 2 of the questions warrants an in-depth review of drinking habits.
anyway, some of those things in the FATAL test are really dangerous, so i hope you answered "no" to them..

As for my answers to the questions: i've only felt annoyed by criticism, but it's not like it was rational criticism anyway..
oh, and i've been blacked-out. :Smug:
oh... these bring back so many memories. in the period going from 1999 to 2002, i most definitely was CAGE/BUMP/HALT and a bit of the FATAL DT (is that a dark tranquillity collection or dvd or something?), namely: yes i've done drunk driving - never hurt anyone, myself included, because i've got very good perception and reflexes anytime. i had suicidal thoughts unrelated to alcohol when i was 15 or so, but i don't think it counts.

at present, i'm way past those stages. i think that one can be an alcoholic and hold a day job only if they have a very good physique, which i don't have - i can handle massive drinking only with several hours of sleep, otherwise i get sick.
hyena said:
i think that one can be an alcoholic and hold a day job only if they have a very good physique,
Nah, i think ppl can be alcoholics and hold a day job without having a very good physique. For example, if they don't knock themselves out every day and have a not-so-serious day job. ;)
i'm especially weak then... if i have say 4 pints and sleep less than 9 hours i'm sick upon waking up, and i mean sick to the point of having to throw up instantly... so i could be an alcoholic if i could go to work at about noon or something. ah, dreams, dreams... :)
@hyena: well, thats quite weak imo, maybe your digestion isnt set to handle more than 4 pints (btw. a pint is 0,5l or so, isnt it?, cause thats crucial, hehe), but thats also good, cause you know your level is quite low - lucky you! I sometimes throw back 9 beers and feel fine in the morning, and then on different occasion I can have 3 fernets and a small beer and throw up like mad - weird. All I know I cant mix a tiny bit, so its usually just beer, just wine or just slivovica for me. :ill: :loco:

@r2: those acronyms are cool! I like these sort of things very much, thanks!
Siren said:
Here's a set of 4 questions for you to answer. Enjoy. ;)

a) Have you ever felt the need to cut down on drinking?
b) Have you ever felt annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
c) Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
d) Have you ever taken a morning eye-opener?

a) no
b) no
c) no, but for me it would be better to be able to "loosen up" without a few beers :)
d) never. EVER. ewwww. :yuk:
Yes on all accounts on all the thread except the r2 fatal dt list which is only Yes to about half of the questions.

...So what does all this mean am i going to hell or some other nonsense?
Siren said:
Nah, i think ppl can be alcoholics and hold a day job without having a very good physique. For example, if they don't knock themselves out every day and have a not-so-serious day job. ;)

Or if nobody noticed when you come to work without any sleep and still half intoxicated which was my former job.
Siren said:
a) Have you ever felt the need to cut down on drinking?
b) Have you ever felt annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
c) Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
d) Have you ever taken a morning eye-opener?
Oh i've done many of these tests..

a) Yes.
b) Yes.
c) No.
d) Yes.

"Do you drink to get high?" -Yes.
"Do you drink alone?" -Yes.
"Do you look forward to drinking?" -Yes.
"Have you noticed that you have developed a tolerance to alcohol?" -Yes.

"Have you ever blacked-out from drinking?" -Yes.
"Have you ever used alcohol in excessively unplanned amounts?" -Yes.
"Do you drink for medicinal reasons?" -Yes.
"Do you find yourself protecting your supply of alcohol?" -Yes.

"Is there a family hx of alcohol problems?" -Yes.
"Ever been a member of AA?" -No.
"Do you think you are an alcoholic?" -No.
"Have you ever attempted suicide or had suicidal thoughts?" -Yes.
"Have you ever had any legal problems because of alcohol?" -No.
"Do you ever drive while intoxicated?" -No.
"Do you ever use tranquilizers to steady your nerves?" -No.

Misanthrope said:
...So what does all this mean am i going to hell or some other nonsense?
Those are screening tests for alcoholism, so they more or less give a rough idea of whether there might be an alcoholism problem or not. Their purpose is not to convict you to hell (that's for preists), but to help you or your doctor see if you have a problem or not and how much it interferes with your life, and probably find a solution for it.
For example, alcohol could be the reason for a health problem you're visiting your doctor for. Or some of those questions in the FATAL test mean your or other ppl's life could be in danger.
Siren said:
Those are screening tests for alcoholism, so they more or less give a rough idea of whether there might be an alcoholism problem or not. Their purpose is not to convict you to hell (that's for preists), but to help you or your doctor see if you have a problem or not and how much it interferes with your life, and probably find a solution for it.
For example, alcohol could be the reason for a health problem you're visiting your doctor for. Or some of those questions in the FATAL test mean your or other ppl's life could be in danger.

Not very accurate if you ask me. Much things about the general attitute of a drinker cant be known from that little quizz
@Mis: Well, it's a general screening test, what do you expect. It's not supposed to be accurate or placing a diagnosis, it's (as i said) just an indicator to whether there might be a problem or not.
No to pretty much every question. I've never had any problems with my drinking and I can easily be without any alcohol for several months, if I just so wish. As my old roommate once told me: "Ville, your greatest merit is that you will never destroy your life with booze". :err: Well, he was quite drunk when he said that...

hyena said:
FATAL DT (is that a dark tranquillity collection or dvd or something?)

My immediate thought as well.

Naku ist krig said:
@Ville: So you don´t call loosing your chewing-equipment as a problem? :p

Uh, I assume you are referring to my friend, who broke his tooth when opening a bottle of beer by his mouth? Well, that was not me (although it could have been, I was just luckier than him), and I have never opened bottles with my teeth after witnessing that. So, I have never had problems with my drinking, although back in the day I could have caused myself some serious problems with my combination of thirst for beer and lack of proper tools for opening bottles.
