Are you kidding me?

cthulufhtagn said:
i think that's a matter of opinion :err:
:err: objectively measured
sources: "BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2005" and Freedom House "Freedom in the World 2005".
dont tell me youre a hugo chavez apologist :erk: the guy's a fucking nutcase autocrat
I just wrote up one massive rant, only to accidentally hit "back" instead of post.

Okay, so the gist of it is something about fuel. At the servo, in a four hour shift, about $3000 passes through my register. I serve about 150 people in that time. That's an average of $20 per person in fuel, though I'd say over half the customers purcahse over $30 worth, and about 20% over $60. What's always amazed me is just how ready these people are to part with their hard earned money. Today a farmer came through and put $170 of fuel in his Nissan Patrol, and didn't even want a tax reciept. That just blew me away. The sheer amount of cash involved in petrol is stupidifying.

Edit: Gah, I just realize that the $3000 average per shift is just cash. Well over half the customers purchase with debit or credit cards. Double the figures I said above and just fill in the blanks.
When'd you get this job Nick? I thought you were working somewhere else.

Ideally some day I'd like to live on a small island with a population under 10,000 where cars are not very important if useful at all, but what are the odds?
Been working there a month or so. Fuck knows, really.

You should work up in the alps in Europe, man. Most of those little villages are tourist-season dependent, and so they ban cars on account of the emissions polluting the snow and melting shit quicker. Everyone gets around by foot (or ski, if possible) and no-one seems to mind. Sure, it's inconvenient if you're in the market for an Ipod or some shit because there's no massive stores on every second corner, but for a life of simplicity, it'd be lovely.
Simplicity would be fine for me, as long as music can get there somehow! Only problem would be finding a way to squeeze some money out of all those tourists in the already overcrowded market.
Simplicity would be ideal for me, as long as music can get there somehow! Only problem would be finding a way to squeeze some money out of all those tourists in the already overcrowded market.
Demilich said:
Simplicity would be fine for me, as long as music can get there somehow! Only problem would be finding a way to squeeze some money out of all those tourists in the already overcrowded market.

Sell them petrol!
thats what i thought
also, wont people who choose not to drive or at least drive hybrid vehicles be paying into this coffer?