N64 defined my childhood.
Didn't any of you go bowling with your dad, or anything macho like that?
The movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" defined my childhood.
N64 defined my childhood.
Dude, the last video game system I owned was ODYSSEY!!!
I shit you not!!!
Anyone here old enough to remember that one?
This is pre-Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, etc...
Such classic games as:
KC MUNCHKIN (Pac Man-like game)
etc, etc........
So all you kiddies who think "old school" video games is your Nintendo 64...
I got two words for you...........
I've been buying the classics on my iPhone lately. I picked up Pac Man, Ms. Pac Man, Centipede, A Space Invaders copy game (But JUST like the original) and I've been eyeballing Frogger. haha As good as the games are today, nothing beats the fun of the classics.
Oh and pinball machines FUCKING RULE. I want one of those almost more than an arcade game.
A good friend of mine has the KISS Pinball machine in his parent's basement.