are you supposed to tip full service gas station attendants?

I don't. I was just in Oregon where every gas station is mandatory full service and I just can't imagine tipping. A whole bunch of attendants had dog biscuits handy, tho. That was nice, even if my pups acted like maniacs to em.
i always tip, but it's probably because i drive cars only in the small town where i grew up and the dude pumping the gas is someone i invariably know.
Gas stations with only full service available are unnerving. I went to one once and got out of the car to start the pump and this guy comes up to me and asks me how much I want. I guess I didn't realise that this place didn't have any self service pumps, so it kind of surprised me. I was like, "no it's cool, I've got it."
Every gas station in Jersey was full service....

so when I left the state once i totally didn't know how to do it myself and one of my female friends had to do it for me.
yeah, when i moved to philly, i ended up in cherry hill not knowing about the full-service law, and i pulled up to a gas station and the attendant ran over and i was wrestling for the nozzle with him being like NO! NO! I DON'T WANT TO PAY YOUR RIPOFF FULL-SERVICE PRICES!

finally it was explained to me. i was floored.
I've been to one full service station last summer when my girlfriend and I were driving back to Binghamton from Long Island. We were still on LI somewhere in between Northport and Manhassett and needed gas. When the dude walked up I was like, "uh? what?" I don't think we tipped him.