I rear ended someone on my way to work this morning

I send people straight to jail.

lol, dude, you are going to be the worst lawyer ever. While the intelligent, mature and serious people are out their studying law and working hard to make a good contribution to your society, you're on the intarwebz making a complete ass of yourself... boasting and being a moronic complete prick. Wow, you're such a success. No one gives a shit about you or the fact you're going to be a lawyer, because you're going to be a shitty failure of a lawyer an end up doing something else. So, keep on bragging daddy's boy, it makes me LOL everytime.


(Honestly, I don't know what the fuck happened to you, you used to be funny, and a nice guy, now you're a dumb piece of shit who trolls this board with shit a 5 year old would say. You don't even like metal, by your own words, so why the fuck are you even here?)
and heartless, please don't ever post in my threads. go start your internet fights else. otherwise stfuagtfo