Are u fuckin serious???

Not true. You must be confusing the U.S. with Saudi Arabia.

lol my mistake
in saudi arabia, a woman who's raped --> sentenced to death
a woman who's gang raped --> raped again --> sentenced to death
ppl throw rocks at her to kill her too
correct me if im wrong gaz, but i think even here the law takes into account the womans part in the rape, ie clothes she is wearing.. i heard of a case once where a guy went free because the woman was wearing jeans in the alleged rape.. the court figured jeans are hard to get off, so they couldn't have come off unwillingly.. i think its BS, jeans aren't that bloody hard to get off.. this was quite a few years ago tho, about 10 maybe? hopefully things have changed since then..
Was there any other evidence of rape besides her word against his?

While rapists are pieces of shit who deserve slow and agonizing deaths, the courts should offer some protection to men against false and malicious accusations of rape.
not always i don't think.. depends on the circumstances.. asleep or drunk, it might be happening before the woman even has time to come to her senses and fight it, if the woman is being emotionally abused as well she might not fight so hard either, these things doesn't make any of it consensual or ok.. there might not be any internal damage if the guy is not exceptionally endowed or rough, and if he is big and strong and she is small and weak, he could easily hold her down without causing any external bruising either.. it's harder to disprove than to prove because people are inclined to side with the victim, but im sure appropriate mental and historical evaluations are made as well to weed out if it's just a revenge accusation, ie - do they know each other, what are their past social interactions, what was the circumstance surrounding it..i doubt it's a black and white case..