I need Jackie Chiles


Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
So I went to McDs this morning for breakfast and as I go to take a drink of coffee it spills down the front of my shirt. The cover wasn't on very good. Plus the coffee was really hot and now I have a burn on my stomache. I didn't put the top on. They put the top on. And I didn't make the top.

BTW, didn't they get sued for having their coffee too hot and burning someone already? You'd think they would have learned not to have their coffee so damned hot. Stupid McDonalds.

Also, the coffee kind of smelled like feet.
in a 2005 decision, SCOTUS ruled that your type of incident fell under a "buyer be wack" provision, vide Himmelstoss v. Sonic, in which the opinion stated (Scalia and Ginsberg concurred FYI; Thomas wrote the dissent) that patronizing a "known unfit" establishment opened the consumer up to a raft of otherwise actionable indignities.

in other words, you make the decision to eat at McDonald's, it's hard to complain that something gross or harmful happened to you, because that's what you paid them for.