
Working on #3
Jan 26, 2004
NH/ME Border
So, now I see on the official site that Opeth is hitting the Penny Arcade in Rochester, NY on June 27th after the first opening dates of the SOTU tour.

I used to live in Rochester, so I know all about the Penny Arcade. But, I can't go! I'm moving to the coastal side of New Hampshire on - wait for it... June 27th. I suck.

So, my question is... has anyone else been to the Penny Arcade? It's a total dive. It can't possibly hold more than a couple hundred people - if that. I saw a lot of nobody bands there back in high school (early 90s).
You can stand right in front of the stage and the cover charge is like $3.

What the hell is Opeth doing there?? I mean, I know they're not playing the Garden yet (yes, they renamed the building in Boston) but I can't picture them in this place. It's like a glorified pool hall.

Finally, are there other dates like this? What will the set list/playing time be like? Will there be another band? WTF!

If I still lived there or could get there I wouldn't miss this chance to see them in an intimate setting without 25 nu metal bands.
Well they are playing in the Tsongas Arena here in Lowell, MA. That is basically a huge hockey rink (Lowell Lock Monsters). I'm sure it seats a couple thousand people.
Okay, I just checked at and it's Opeth, Chimiara, Strapping Young Lad and All That Remains. Too bad it's still extra bands, but it's only $18. It's like a cheaper version of the SOTU tour with a lot fewer crappy bands.

I know most of you don't care about this because you don't live in or near NY, but if you do I would definitely suggest you hit this show. The place is so small, you'll practically be sitting in Mikael's lap during the show.

I would suggest that the rest of you check the tour dates to see if there are similar off-dates in your area.