You were both douchebags in equal measures in that thread.
But seriously, a forum full of passionate musicians and producers and you think we're all just going to get along? Music lovers are the kind of people that will defend their corners until its the fucking death of them. I personally wouldn't have it any other way. If you don't get along with another member of the forum, JUST FUCKING IGNORE THEM and let them continue making douchebags of themselves until they wake the fuck up and realise they're being a cunt.
And seriously Jesse, on the "owned" topic, all I saw was you bashing a band that is more widely appreciated, well regarded and accepted as talented, creative musicians and you ranting and raving about how talented you are. CUT THE FUCKING ALPHA MALE POSTEURING. IT IMPRESSES NO-ONE.
If you want to prove how fucking talented you are, make some music and fucking post it, because until then you have nothing to your name musically.
All the really talented people on this forum are talented as fuck. Do you see Drew, Erkan, Jaymz, Stee, behindert, marcus, etc all going on about how much talent they have in one finger compared to their peers? No. So shut the fuck up.