Arguments/Negativity in my SneapForum!?

Maybe you can go and see about that Roadrunner deal now right :lol:

Too many cynical bastards on this board for closet idealism, especially a world view as erratic and contradictory as yours.
You're just another over-pretentious buttfucking little know-it-all with nothing on your plate whatsoever.

You're literally worthless, and I can't really respect any word that comes from you. With that, I'm taking a break from this hellhole until whenever the hell I feel like it. There really is no hope as long as retards like you keep lurkin' around.

FWIW, you're not always right. Stop thinking and coming off like you are.

Peace, guise.
You were both douchebags in equal measures in that thread.

But seriously, a forum full of passionate musicians and producers and you think we're all just going to get along? Music lovers are the kind of people that will defend their corners until its the fucking death of them. I personally wouldn't have it any other way. If you don't get along with another member of the forum, JUST FUCKING IGNORE THEM and let them continue making douchebags of themselves until they wake the fuck up and realise they're being a cunt.

And seriously Jesse, on the "owned" topic, all I saw was you bashing a band that is more widely appreciated, well regarded and accepted as talented, creative musicians and you ranting and raving about how talented you are. CUT THE FUCKING ALPHA MALE POSTEURING. IT IMPRESSES NO-ONE.
If you want to prove how fucking talented you are, make some music and fucking post it, because until then you have nothing to your name musically.

All the really talented people on this forum are talented as fuck. Do you see Drew, Erkan, Jaymz, Stee, behindert, marcus, etc all going on about how much talent they have in one finger compared to their peers? No. So shut the fuck up.
with nothing on your plate whatsoever.

Well you got that part right, the only difference being that I'm happy to acknowledge it as a something that I need to work on whereas you'd be happy to invent fairy stories to try to claim the opposite. :lol:

Cute, the butt buddies are ranting together. Ironically in a thread that initially goes against it. I knew it was a dumb idea creating this in the first place, retarded kids will be retarded kids.

I had to check a few other threads for the last time, so I thought I'd pop in. But I'll leave you two with these few couple of words;


Bye. :lol:
Ironically in a thread that initially goes against it.

Dude, what you dont seem to get is that its YOUR thread and you're the one whose getting all pissy.

And if you're talking about me and Gareth, well, Gareths a fucking sound dude, we get along great, call it gay if you want :lol:
It's nothing to do with buttbuddies or being gay for each other (although i am totally gay for owen, let it be known >;D) but the fact that you haven't proved to the world that you have talent by providing recordings of original material. You have nothing and so you provide stories about how your band is aparrently getting offers from roadrunner. I find this hard to believe because fuck, look at Periphery and all the 5 years of hype surrounding them, a gigging band that proved they can sell their material and merchandise (which is what makes or breaks getting a record deal offer, WHETHER YOU CAN MAKE MONEY, this is indisputable) and they've only recently gotten signed to Sumerian.
Your band has nothing suggesting that you can sell, or have sold, your music.

You have no footing to stand on when proclaiming that you are better than everyone else and signed bands that are making a fucking killing, and thus you project this onto everyone else in an effort to feel better about yourself as a psychological coping mechanism.