Arguments/Negativity in my SneapForum!?

Ironically in a thread that initially goes against it.

And as for this, the only thing ironic in this topic is the fact that you made it.

Making a topic like this after Ryan's topic would be like me making a topic begging for everyone to get along spiffingly after the sturgis/attack attack/me getting banned debacle back in december. Start an argument and then proclaim everyone ELSE is being argumentative and not you? Please.. Have some common fucking sense, or is that too much to expect?
This is how much I care about whatever some sad, lonely, bi-sexual ('nother word for GAY) asshole welsh has to say;


In between those two lines are the extent of my /care.

Deduct what you want from it, you're wasting your time with all of your pointless ranting, it's just funny to me because I value the shit I dig out of my ears more than your unfounded opinions :lol:

It's also pretty funny to me how you're criticizing me for arguing all of this, when you were the one banned in the first place for being a sad, angry, pathetic little bastard and going off on Joey. It's funny because you stick up for these bands like I'm putting them down for making a 'KILLING', yet your hypocrisy shines through every SINGLE post you send.

Had some good talks with ya though, man. Laters.

They say arguing on the internet is like running in the specia-

Ah fuck it, you never leave your house. You know the saying.
I thought you were going already?

:lol: @ trolling a mans sexuality as if he should be at all offended by what he chooses to do, then calling him sad and pathetic.
Sucking cock is awesome. You don't know what creamy goodness you're missing. Next time you're tugging, just give it a taste... you'll get the idea.
A) What has my sexuality got to do with it? I think you'll find 95% of people on this forum are highly tolerant individuals and that people's sexuality has nothing to do with their musical opinions

B) Yes, I've spent the last year being a depressed, lonely, whiny, introverted, shut-in individual, guess what? I fixed that. ^_^ We all go through our bad patches. If I remember rightly, you've had your fair share of hard knocks over the past year or two, none of which you've had a problem expressing with your friends and other forum members. What was that you were saying about hypocrisy again?
Things I've learnt today.

1) Jesse is dillusional, maybe completely insane.

2) Royal Mail fucking suck

3) Owen likes it dirty.
