Arkhon Infaustus


Malicious Storm of Fate
Sep 12, 2002
In the middle of nowhere. I hate it.
Should I buy Hell Injection?
I mean, is this band actually good? I've never heard them, and have no way of hearing them unless I buy it. I just like the cover art... anyone heard them who feels like reviewing that particular CD for me? I would be most grateful. Thanks.
If you like old-school black/death metal, you're probably going to like it. I 've heard it a couple of times since I've got it and I must say that it's quite good. It's not really my style but still I can appreciate that the band shows promise. I guess it really depends on your taste. It's interesting though to hear something that could have been released a decade ago :) :)
Originally posted by Pandemonium666's killer band...expect their new album which must come out soon to be the most brutal black album ever released.... it's fuckin killer... I've heard the adv. tracks...

no to podeslij mi na mejla mp3 jakowas bom ciekaw co tam zabojady zmajstrowaly :p
hah a..nie moge bo slyszalem ich na probje jak bylem w Paryzu 3 miesace temu... moia kuzynka jest narzeczona Devianta z Arhkon... lidera kapeli... wiec niedlugo bezemy rodzina nawed hah a
rany i ty sie nie boisz o kuzynke? przeciez oni wygladaja na totalnych swirow! ;) no chyba, ze z nich takie diably jak z naszych true evil satan grajkow co to w sobote lataja na dyskoteki, a w niedziele do kosciola :) ech...
No tak juz jest... oni sa normalni... nawed razem w disko bylismy ha ha...cala noc tance an muzie Techno House w najwiekszym clubie w Paris - Queen, i bylo tam pelno gay'ow ha ha... no ale muze to robia!
no, juz sie martwilem, ze tylko u nas jest popularna zasada: "jestesmy za slabi, zeby wybic sie wsrod normalnych, wiec bedziemy napierdalac na slepo w instrumenty i przebierac sie w skorzane ciuszki, a 15 latki beda nas wielbic"...
heheh... nothing important. something about his family and polish bands...