Arktide - Melodic Folk Metal from Atlanta, GA

This thread blew

So this is what all the fuss is about? Gee, not the worst thing I have ever read, though I certainly consider the opening statement to be somewhat musically ignorant.

He does say the music is not bad, though generic for it's genre and I would agree at this point. There is nothing overly fresh about it, though there are definately building blocks in place. One has to remember this is a next step starting point for this band. There are very few debut albums from seasoned vets that strike gold, blazing new trails within a genre let alone one that is written and played by teens (the assumption I am getting from what i read is that they are late teens feel free to correct me if I am wrong).

On the topic of folk metal, I have never quite understood why the assumption is that it needs to be about vikings, or of a Celtic/European history in nature. There is American folk and indeed, a transformation of topic into this area of folk might just be what would make this band unique. Also...If one can use an accordion, why not a banjo....would be an interesting intersection of genre and instrumentation.

I have to admit though not much into the painted stuff, and I mean from anyone....a little too goofy for me, but that has little to do with how I would view anyone's music or ability.

I any event...definitely some over reaction to this post.

Past that, a band that has a good place to start, no matter where they are from or their age...and will be interesting to see if they can make the next step from "rest of the pack" to unique, which is not easy to do but always worth the effort.

Also nice to see local bands take on these genres, one never knows where it will go and certainly will not hurt getting the word out to those who may never have heard it before.

Good Luck.

Good points, and I don't mean to come off like I'm attacking Diabolik. I'd probably be more apt to buy the guy a beer and have a friendly discussion than be so strident in person. I know he didn't viciously attack the band, but I do think that type of criticism, which was then piled on by a few others, is disrespectful and pointless. We should be encouraging people to play metal, not giving them more reasons not to, especially when they show a lot of talent in a number of areas.
Alright well it's very hard to reply to all these comments, but I just wanted to say thanks to all the people that are supporting us in the quite heated argument. You defiantly understand where we're coming from and I promise you all a solid debut album by the band.
Alright well it's very hard to reply to all these comments, but I just wanted to say thanks to all the people that are supporting us in the quite heated argument. You defiantly understand where we're coming from and I promise you all a solid debut album by the band.

BEst of luck you!!!
I know some of my replies here seem like bashing, but they truly are constructive criticism. You guys are VERY brave in taking on an image which historically has been embraced by Euro / Scando bands.

I do applaud anyone who has the determination to start a band.