Arktide - Melodic Folk Metal from Atlanta, GA

Jesus Christ. This thread is a trainwreck. Guy tries to show the forum his startup band and a couple of people act like douchebags, turning the thread into yet another pointless argument about metal subgenre semantics and tr00ness. Then you get all sensitive because he makes a mild statement about black metal. Lighten the fuck up, people. :lol:
*snip* Kind of like how I could never in a million years take the band Swashbuckle serious. *snip*QUOTE]

Are you always bashing Swashbuckle because you think they are folk metal or because they wear pirate get-up?

They aren't meant to be taken seriously. To me, they are just 3 guys having fun - and what's wrong with that?

And to Arktide - hold that flame high! I like your music, please keep doing your thing and don't listen to the naysayers out there.

I bash Swashbuckle because they are a total joke and not a funny one. I wouldnt even count them as folk metal. This is a band that in a few years you will see thier CD in every used bin across america and it has zero staying power. Plus the music is completly generic....basically they are using the gimmick as far as it can go...they have zero talent in the song writing department.
OK sing about tanks on vikings ships and always have a flaming sword or two on stage with you, or an axe an axe will work just fine.

(best of luck to you and your band)
Jesus Christ. This thread is a trainwreck. Guy tries to show the forum his startup band and a couple of people act like douchebags, turning the thread into yet another pointless argument about metal subgenre semantics and tr00ness. Then you get all sensitive because he makes a mild statement about black metal. Lighten the fuck up, people. :lol:

it is funny....the great debaters here can only come up with calling someone a retard or a douchebag. Defend on why you think this is good? A few years back before pagan metal was popular....would this band exist? I am sure these guys would be playing In Flames / Dark Tranquility style of metal. Sure it is a guess but I have seen this a million times. Plus they are opening the doors when you post this stuff on a forum. So far I havent heard anyone really say what is interesting and good about it other than it is some locals from Atlanta and they play pagan / folk metal.

I see bands do this a lot because the sheep of the forums will always post stuff like "great stuff", and so on. basically they are looking for any kind of recognition and this is a cheap way to get it. Why would you post a pagan band's stuff on a forum that specializes in Prog and Power? Wouldnt this be more better suited for the Heathen Crusdade forum...if it is still active? I would be curious to see what the die hards on that forum would think?
I bash Swashbuckle because they are a total joke and not a funny one. I wouldnt even count them as folk metal. This is a band that in a few years you will see thier CD in every used bin across america and it has zero staying power. Plus the music is completly generic....basically they are using the gimmick as far as it can go...they have zero talent in the song writing department.

I don't get Swashbuckle either. Its basically just generic thrash. Alestorm at least brings the whole pirate-metal sound, and succeeds at being entertaining.
I don't get Swashbuckle either. Its basically just generic thrash. Alestorm at least brings the whole pirate-metal sound, and succeeds at being entertaining.

at least we agree on something. You can totally see that Swashbuckle at one time was just doing generic thrash / death metal but saw that a quick image change while shopping for Halloween costumes would help them for a year or so and then back to being a generic band again once this genre fades out.
it is funny....the great debaters here can only come up with calling someone a retard or a douchebag. Defend on why you think this is good? A few years back before pagan metal was popular....would this band exist? I am sure these guys would be playing In Flames / Dark Tranquility style of metal. Sure it is a guess but I have seen this a million times. Plus they are opening the doors when you post this stuff on a forum. So far I havent heard anyone really say what is interesting and good about it other than it is some locals from Atlanta and they play pagan / folk metal.

I see bands do this a lot because the sheep of the forums will always post stuff like "great stuff", and so on. basically they are looking for any kind of recognition and this is a cheap way to get it. Why would you post a pagan band's stuff on a forum that specializes in Prog and Power? Wouldnt this be more better suited for the Heathen Crusdade forum...if it is still active? I would be curious to see what the die hards on that forum would think?

I say douchebag because to just start bashing some kid's band in the thread he started, like you did right out of the gate is douchebaggery. You may not have meant it to be so, and I don't know you from Adam so I do not think you yourself are a douchebag (how many times can I use that word?) but come on, man. I understand your argument and I agree they have room to grow into an individual sound and even image, but you did not offer them such criticism in anything close to a constructive or friendly way. If its a case of just not liking what you hear, why go to such lengths to bash and discourage some guys who want to play music? There are bands I don't like, but I would not go up to someone from that band and tell them all the reasons I dislike them or their music. What is the point except to be a dick?

Also, there are lots of copycats out there anytime a form of music or a band grows in popularity. Sometimes, these bands evolve into something else and become popular in the genre themselves. I played and was really into death and black metal in the 90's so I have had more than my fill of generic bands, believe me. However, if you wanted to do away with every band that starts up because it was inspired by another band, there would be no such thing as a metal scene anywhere.

And as for why I think these guys are good? Even if the songs on those demo tracks are a bit derivative, they are played very well, they have a grasp of song structure and even a decent guitar tone. When I think about the shit I was playing when I was in a band at their age (and most of the other bands I remember playing with too) it was rare to even have one of those components right. :lol:
A few years back before pagan metal was popular....would this band exist? I am sure these guys would be playing In Flames / Dark Tranquility style of metal.
And why should that matter? Why should people be banned from playing music that they weren't aware of two years ago? You didn't come out of the womb listening to Falkenbach.

So far I havent heard anyone really say what is interesting and good about it other than it is some locals from Atlanta and they play pagan / folk metal.
Is it necessary to write a dissertation on why you enjoy a band's music? Isn't it enough to simply think it's fun to listen to?

Remember, your primary argument wasn't that the music was good/bad. It was about their motives, and how "singing about stuff that they have no heritage in is kind of silly." However, you have failed to point out even one track in which they do that, and have now changed the point you are arguing completely to try and cover your tracks.

You're making the assumption that they're playing folk metal to jump on the playing folk metal is going to make you millions of dollars and provide you with an endless supply of hookers and blow. Why can't they just play music because they enjoy playing it?

Why would you post a pagan band's stuff on a forum that specializes in Prog and Power? Wouldnt this be more better suited for the Heathen Crusdade forum...if it is still active? I would be curious to see what the die hards on that forum would think?

So it's a bad idea to promote your band through a festival that is based in the same city your band is based? What should bands do for promotion, then? Also, there is a pretty large minority here who is into folk metal, so it's not like he's hyping his Sunn O)))-like band or anything.
Why would you post a pagan band's stuff on a forum that specializes in Prog and Power? Wouldnt this be more better suited for the Heathen Crusdade forum...if it is still active? I would be curious to see what the die hards on that forum would think?

I think it's because nowadays it's all intertwined. You see prog and power bands utilizing folk, death, symphonic, gothic, etc influences in their music. The crossover appeal is much larger today than it was, let's say, 5 years ago. I can almost guarantee that there's a big chance the "die hards" on the forum will listen to folky stuff, or at least check it out. I don't see why not advertise your band in this forum. Whether you accept it or not, it's all within the same "genre" nowadays. I see plenty of people saying great things around here about Eluveitie, Ensiferum, etc. Don't forget that Elvenking and Wuthering Heights, for instance, have played ProgPower, and they have folk elements in their music. Remember, we've had a headliner that relies heavily on including their folklore in their sound (Amorphis).

While the ProgPower forum may not give them 100% of positive feedback, chances are, it'd be more positive than negative.

But then again, what do I know...
I was considering making a folk metal band soon but I want diabolik and his ilk to approve of my music so I think I'm going to do California-marriage-law-metal because its something new and fresh, and something from my place of origin by which I am affected.

p.s. dont copy my idea for a quick buck plz (sheep)
I was considering making a folk metal band soon but I want diabolik and his ilk to approve of my music so I think I'm going to do California-marriage-law-metal because its something new and fresh, and something from my place of origin by which I am affected.

p.s. dont copy my idea for a quick buck plz (sheep)

Actually, that would probably the most twisted and depressing type of metal ever created. At least for men.
Not saying folk metal is going to make you money, just saying how many people jump on bandwagons to get in quick with fans of genres without really earning anything.

Why is it wrong to question and give criticizm to bands? People are on hear and other forums being much worse about other bands.....why should a newer band be not open like a band who maybe has been around longer?
To each thier own. It just so happens that I am very opinionated about music. To anyone who has met me in person and discussed music will really find that out that I dont pull punches or use the ole comment "maybe I need to listen to it more and maybe I will like it more then" comment. If something is bad...I say it is bad. If I like it...I will talk about it non stop.

Currently the band Hellhound out of Japan and Harbinger from Michigan, Cauldron from Canada and Metal Inquistator are the most current bands I am really pushing to people.
I've known a few of the guys in Arktide since the earlier days of my first band Eclipsed By Sanity and they were listening to pagan metal before pagan metal was popular here in the U.S. so I can say that they've always had a passion for it and I'm glad they're finally getting things organized enough to get out there and start promoting what they got.

They have loads of potential to grow into something that stays true to the pagan metal genre as well as add their own feel to the music (which I think they're already starting to do). They have good structure to their sound and I think they offer something new to the local scene around Atlanta that most kids and local scene followers would love to go see. Especially those that can't always make it out to the bigger shows with the big established pagan/folk metal bands.

The keyboard ambience mixed in with their music is really cool. I think the vocals are pretty cool and pieced together quite nicely balancing between harsh, clean, and dual vocals. They are providing something different to the local music scene and this will help them stand out and be noticed more.

Now keep in mind I don't keep up with the Pagan Metal genre as much as most of you do so I don't have a good solid base of comparison, but I really like what I hear from Arktide and I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing what they can do.
at least we agree on something. You can totally see that Swashbuckle at one time was just doing generic thrash / death metal but saw that a quick image change while shopping for Halloween costumes would help them for a year or so and then back to being a generic band again once this genre fades out.

Which kind of answers my question - they aren't a folk metal band. They are *still* a thrash band - they are not a folk metal band. Makes me wonder if you actually listened to them or just saw their pic and made a judgement.
just cant take folk metal from Atlanta serious. Sorry. That would be like a country western band from Africa. Just doesnt work. As a lover of the folk metal has been flooded with generic bands and rips offs and has staled the genre and kind of watered it down.

Your music isnt bad. Just been done to death a zillion times. In a genre filled with bands, you need to bring something more to the table to be noticed. In any genre this happens. Look how many power metal bands are out there.....prog bands....death metal bands. When listening to the tracks I knew where they were going before the song got there.

Sorry for the harsh review.....just feel strong about this genre.

This thread blew

So this is what all the fuss is about? Gee, not the worst thing I have ever read, though I certainly consider the opening statement to be somewhat musically ignorant.

He does say the music is not bad, though generic for it's genre and I would agree at this point. There is nothing overly fresh about it, though there are definately building blocks in place. One has to remember this is a next step starting point for this band. There are very few debut albums from seasoned vets that strike gold, blazing new trails within a genre let alone one that is written and played by teens (the assumption I am getting from what i read is that they are late teens feel free to correct me if I am wrong).

On the topic of folk metal, I have never quite understood why the assumption is that it needs to be about vikings, or of a Celtic/European history in nature. There is American folk and indeed, a transformation of topic into this area of folk might just be what would make this band unique. Also...If one can use an accordion, why not a banjo....would be an interesting intersection of genre and instrumentation.

I have to admit though not much into the painted stuff, and I mean from anyone....a little too goofy for me, but that has little to do with how I would view anyone's music or ability.

I any event...definitely some over reaction to this post.

Past that, a band that has a good place to start, no matter where they are from or their age...and will be interesting to see if they can make the next step from "rest of the pack" to unique, which is not easy to do but always worth the effort.

Also nice to see local bands take on these genres, one never knows where it will go and certainly will not hurt getting the word out to those who may never have heard it before.

Good Luck.
Not saying folk metal is going to make you money, just saying how many people jump on bandwagons to get in quick with fans of genres without really earning anything.

Why is it wrong to question and give criticizm to bands? People are on hear and other forums being much worse about other bands.....why should a newer band be not open like a band who maybe has been around longer?
To each thier own. It just so happens that I am very opinionated about music. To anyone who has met me in person and discussed music will really find that out that I dont pull punches or use the ole comment "maybe I need to listen to it more and maybe I will like it more then" comment. If something is bad...I say it is bad. If I like it...I will talk about it non stop.

Currently the band Hellhound out of Japan and Harbinger from Michigan, Cauldron from Canada and Metal Inquistator are the most current bands I am really pushing to people.

I'm not saying you have to like it or anything man, and certainly you can conduct yourself as you wish. I don't mean to attack you, either, like I said I don't know you and I don't have anything against you. I also have no problem with someone expressing their opinions strongly and I can generally hang with the orneriest of debaters...but when we're talking about criticizing bands, it is one thing to have a conversation amongst other people about a band or music, and another to bring that criticism to the band's face. These two types of communication require different considerations. This isn't being 'fake' and not saying what you think, but rather having a basic understanding of civility and interpersonal communication.

It isn't like you said they "fucking suck and are ghey" or something like that, I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill, but you did basically say that the whole idea of their band was ridiculous and they shouldn't even be doing it if they want to be taken seriously, because you find it generic and silly. I mean, its fine that you think that, obviously we all dislike a lot of bands, but that is hardly constructive criticism.

I think when you post your band in a public forum, you expect there could be criticism, but if it isn't constructive criticism, what is the point of offering it? You can't blame the guy for getting defensive. If it were me, I would probably not even respond to criticism I thought was just trying to piss me off or bash my band, but everyone isn't like that. There are forums and sites online where you would also expect to be ridiculed and picked apart, even if you are confident in your music, because that's the "culture" of that site. Maybe I haven't been around enough in recent years, but I always thought the ProgPower audience was a bit more mature than that.